Hey guys, I've been using this lure recently, and on the company's video, it is shown rigged with the pointy end of the lure as the tow point. and it has a kind of walk the dog or hop from side to side action.
Recently I have been using the lure backwards, and i can actually get the lure to swim, and it actually has a very nice action, and ive also got a couple of fish on them backwards. (small ytk's) I've never gotten fish on the lure rigged with the pointy end forward.
Just wondering which way everyone rigs this lure, and have you had success in this way. I'm not going to stop doing what works for me, but I've very curious to see how everyone else is using this lure.
I'ts pretty hard to get the lure to dive, it doesnt like choppy water at all, but once its under the water, the normal long sweeps, straight wind retrieve, and small short sweeps really gets this lure swimming or dancing depending on which action you impart.
Just wanted to see if anyone was getting success with this lure and which way they were using it