Hi Stewart
Thanks for that, panic over, I was gonna hirer a tinny boat - but im more a shore angler and feel happier there & probably safer there haha. Is the hiring of tinny boats expensive and can you borrow them over night?
I take it from your message that the marina walls are ok to fish from then? I wont be bait fishing really spinning and possibly live baiting.
The Gt is a dream of catching one from land, so I will be going for anything that turns up.
Is the island signed where you cannot fish?
I reckon my wife and kid would kill me if i got caught and on the NBO - so the risk may only be taken if im fishless after 10 days. Also been told that the ponds down by the airport are good for barra - is this the case?
Befriending someone is an option - are they open to that sort of thing or do people keep them selves to themselves and if so where are they found?
With a young family I was thinking of fishing first light and dusk/night on hit and run tactics.
I have been told that structure and bommies are the go - im hoping that there are places i can fish from the shore as the boat options may be limited. Thinking of the 2 charters - but heard good and bad about them, what do you think of the operations - been told that one is up for sale?
Any tips/info is gratefully recieved asn I am having to balance the fishing with the family and so want to not waste time and give myself every chance.
Thanks again.