Thanks guys, i know there is a permanent light source where i am heading, ie the jetty, and that there are shed loads of bait fish that come in close at night, so i am presuming that im gonna have to live bait to get consistent hits.
will definetly have a go at popping lure and even possibly jigging and see what happens....something about hooking and playing a big fish at night makes my hair stand up on the back of my neck, very atmosheric, the sound of the ratchet/cluch taking line at noght out of the blue,,,,,man i cannot wait to do it!
I will let you know how i get on and im hoping what Luke said about a natural occurance happening to make the fish come in is correct, im fully behind that as i see that sort of behavoir for pike in the uk. Im hoping the bait fish that comes in are there in numbers and with regular occurance to create that feeding situation.
Cheers to you all again and thanks for your thoughts - got me thinking.................