Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone can help me out here. Am stumped if I can find a decent rod that can fit the following specs. Budgets maxes out at around 300AUD (for the moment...)
7ft or so,
pe2-4, to match with stella 6000 size, and 40g or so stickbaits (miss carna, dog heat) and poppers (pop queen, small dumbells and roostas)
must be a good casting rod, with a tip that is not too soft to work such poppers
targets: elops, jacks, groupers and trevs (small to big-ish) for shore game (new cal/exmouth)
tuna, mahimahi, kawahai, possibly for sails offshore (in perth/exmouth/rompin)
4kg+ drag would be mighty handy
2 piece would be perfect.
not limited to any market, have open access to JDM, provided stock is available.
BUT the price of whats available JDM that will suit has sent shivers down my spine (Carpenter black current, hots tide lez, ripple fisher aquila and caranx kaibutsu light pleasure)
cheapest being the caranz kaibutsu... do i have any other options other than to sell part of my liver?
