They look real nice the lures Sami.
May i ask have you used the lure and caught fish on them.?
Me being one to look into things before i buy i did a bit of research on the lure and i find the best way to research lures is to google them and if there tried tested and proven there is heaps of info on them once googled. The question have you used the lure is i find the lures website is very young :prosele website since 2010-02-06 and 89% of the pictures of fish on the website have there head out of the picture and you cant really tell if the lure is in the fishes mouth and 9% of the fish in the pictures don`t have a lure hanging out of its mouth and the 2% of fish with lures in the mouth don`t look like the lure.
It seems to be a fad in Australia right now to make your own lures and try and flog them off at high prices without any testing of the lure so i am not trying to be a smartass with my questioning the lure i am just seeking some more info on the lure as i like the look of this lure.
Cheers Rob

Google Carpenter lures and see how much info you get :49 800 results
Google Prosele Tohmath Sakura :1 results