My biggest recurring nightmare-I have tried all the big three, Fedex, DHL, UPS and get these inspection charges from all three, every time plus a customs handling fee and various documentation fees, I must add this is the Philippines where other modes of courier or postal service id exremely unreliable. By unreliable I mean lost or 6-9 months delivery to the post office where you have to go and pick up the item and pay processing fees and customs after a 2-3 hour wait and a 2 hour drive . I even have to pay an extra fee for shipping on Fridays??? go figure. For a while UPS seemed to be the best, and then? I shipped my gear more than 2 weeks ahead for my 2 week
Elusive/Frederick Nomad trip last year. I spent hours on the phone with the UPS account manager trying to get the right papers to ship to Oz without incurring import taxes on the value of the shipment, with the value being well over $25,000(allowable tax exempt value at the time was $950)-because I have already paid all the taxes when I bought/shipped the gear to my home, and the gear was not for sale in Oz and I was bringing it home with me at the end of the trip, plus I wanted it insured for the correct value. The stuff eventually arrived at Mcay 2 months later because, Oz customs had seized the shipment for query as the items were marked "Personal effects-Fishing Tackle". I had no clothes for the trip apart from my over night stuff, and 90% most of my fishing gear was with Oz customs. I did have my popping and jig rods, but no reels, all my fly gear, accessories and terminals etc not there for my trip-and the gear had to make the return tripback to the Philippines with the same taxing problems there. You can't imagine what I said when my gear did not arrive despite some mighty efforts from friends, Nomad and a shipping agent that we put on the case. Oz customs would not budge, even with corrected papers.
The stuff was eventually shipped back via a different independent courier for about $200 with no further problems. UPS are trying to charge me nearly $2000 for their efforts, as they say it was not their fault(they advised me on the papers and wording-as did Oz customs? UPS is still waiting for payment, but they're not giving up yet, nor will I. Sadly it seems we are stuck at the mercy with these inhuman, unyielding excuses for a service to the public
The trip with Nomad was a great screaming success, but not having my gear did spoil things somewhat to begin with. Damon and company where very sympathetic and accomodating and made a sad situation good.