It's a pretty wide open question!
Research the area you are going to fish and see if there are any trends for the place i.e is it a big fish locale that needs massive poppers to draw them up, or is it a calm and clear where stick baits are better.
Back when I sold the stuff, I catered for above and beyond the fact that not every angle can be covered with just one lure size, colour and style.
Most GT trips would see a sample of bloopers, chuggers, stick baits and skipping poppers.
Most times, too many were taken though I am glad to have had the extras when those odd occasion there has been something different the fish would only eat.
A total of 20-25 of the above lures would be heaps. It could be refined down to half that if you were really confident about where you were fishing and what had worked their before. THIS IS BASED ON A 6-7 day TRIP.
Most would agree that more GT lures are dying of catching too many GT's these days rather than getting busted up.
Probably the most important aspect about the lure size is if YOU can handle it ALL DAY LONG or not........if in doubt, cast the heck out of a heap before the next trip to find a few good "ALL DAY LONG" size lures in the pack. No point wrecking yourself with heavy gear and massive lures if you cannot do it. It's better to keep fishing with a smaller lure and pace yourself than to tear your muscles working and I Cup Hammerhead because someone said that's the only lure for here.........you need to be able to work each cast as good as the one before and cramping joints/burning muscles does not help you do that.
Yep.....colours....she's a flogged topic!
The only attachment to colours for me has come from certain trends from certain reoccurring events.
I cannot dismiss the logic in having some very specific colours in the pack when they seem to be a strike trigger when I have tried to use everything BUT the evolved "hot" colour.
Having said that, most of the colours end up either dark (silhouette) baitfish (fusilier, yellowfin, pilchard) in colour, with the good ole Qantas colour in their for good measure
