I guess the footage reflects perhaps how they felt they "needed" to fish to get the filming scenes in finished.
I too, feel that it's a loooooooong way to go to then pitch a bait over the transom!
Also, the UL isn't the smallest vessel to cast poppers out of. It hasn't the casting aptitude of a 25 Contender or 255 Boston Whaler......maybe they
were stuck with this method as opposed to how most of us on this forum would like to do in a place like that.
Certainly, if there was only one half keyed up GT fanatic onboard, even back then in 2007, anyone who had been lucky enough to see how deadly a stick bait is on dogtooth, they would have probably had at least one person doing that and they would have gotten awesome footage.
At Marion Reef, a heap of doggies went out of their way to cream GT Gammas within 10m of the boat so there is certainly places where doggies will feed so close, the camera man on the deck gets wet from the attacks! I should know

It was merely a remark on the type of vessel that, if money was no issue, I'd go on in a blink!
I realize 99% of the forum members do not have that money to blow on a single trip, so more affordable and (lets be honest!) less sea-kind boats are our mode of transport.
Admittedly, it's been a few years since I have eyeballed a doggie, though it did frustrate at times their moodiness, or lack thereof. Those olive torpedoes show now mercy initially, only to wise up and head back to patrol the "kennel entrance" from where they came from.
No fish has surprised me with their learning nature as much as dogtooth have.........period.
Yep, there were hoops galore back when Damon and I had one too many reds and figured on storming the place in Odyssey.........that's why we wanted to go.......it was faaaar out. Beyond the scope of most boats.
Aw well........I need to get this back of mine a bit better before I charge off the face of the planet just yet anyway, so as long as its just a bit of light longlining, hopefully it will still be in good nick when I CAN get there!
My only concern is if this Federal waters frigging Coral Sea debacle really makes an impact on the Coral Sea Atolls for access........well, you know where the pressure will head to..............