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Peter Morris

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Trip to Fiji - need help!!
December 07, 2007, 10:59:47 PM
Hi all,
Planning a trip to Fiji next year in Febuary....Looking like we will be staying on the coral coast at Viti Levu.
Does anyone know this island well...??.....Can I pop for big GT's landbased....????
Can anyone suggest some good charter operaters...???...as I will be keen to charter as well.

As you can see I have NO idea on what to expect..?...
I have done searches on Google etc and the number of charter operaters that come up are quite large.

Thanks for any help in advance.


Sachin Chaudhry

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Re: Trip to Fiji - need help!!
December 08, 2007, 09:40:49 AM
Hi Peter. Fiji is home to me and I drive half way around Viti Levu at least once a month passing the coral coast so I think I can offer you a little bit of help.
The coral coast area is able to be popped from land but you will have to walk to the edge of the reef and cast at low tide or around the low tide.
There are also numerous passages accessible from the reef at low tide that you can cast into. Some are narrow so you could get you popper to the other end of the passage and retrieve across the entire passage. Natadola beach which is an hour away from the coast also offer good shore popping. I would suggest heavy popping gear as it would be almost impossible to stop a decent fish going into cover from a shore based position without a boat to help you.
You can charter boats from the hotels or check Mango Bay resort on the coral coast who do a bit more casting charters then most.
Drop me a line around then and I may be able to take you out for a day on my boat ( I am not a charter operator) around the reefs close to Suva. There have been a few 30 to 40kg fish landed around the places I fish lately. I have posted a picture of one of them on this site. And its only a half an hour boat ride to get there.

Peter Morris

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Re: Trip to Fiji - need help!!
December 08, 2007, 08:56:06 PM
Thanks for the reply sachin.....I will send you a PM.


David Noble

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Re: Trip to Fiji - need help!!
December 09, 2007, 03:59:06 PM
Hi Peter

I have stayed on the Coral Coast and fished with Bret from Mango Bay Resort.  This was a few years ago before he had the resort, but I stayed at Mango Bay last Oct and due to bad weather couldnt get out with him.
He is very knowledgable and enthusiastic, loves popper fishing and has a great boat.

Cheers Dave.   

Peter Morris

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Re: Trip to Fiji - need help!!
December 09, 2007, 11:21:34 PM
Thanks Dave...Mango Bay is very close to where we are looking at so I will keep that fellow in mind.
