Andy, as I stated in my first post. I did get a replacement spool for free for my 10000 spool which have this issue as well.they didn't look too surprise when I brought the spool to them.nah adrian its not only in australia, here where I am currently based in indonesia, where after service quality is hopeless. Surprisingly the only stella recall shimano agent in here knows is the corrosion issue on 10000 spool. They even charge for a line roller which is a warranty recall
Hi Gary, yes I see you mention the replacement it in your 3rd post, I missed it. Just out of interest was that spool replaced by shiamno in Indonesia? I am based in Indonesia as well and have at least 4 stella spools with this issue, perhaps i can follow up with them. I am currently looking for replacement for faulty line roller off one of my 18K's in Singapore as i can't seem to get one in jakarta.
Adrian, I have the corrosion problem on both 10k and 18k spools. I have 5 SW stellas and have started to replace alot of my spools with SOM versions
nah andy,
shimano in indonesia is hopeless to the max, they even charge the full price+ mark up for the line roller which is a recall.
i used to be based in sydney before, i just recently moved back to Jakarta a few months ago.
if u despertly need a line roller for the 18000, i think i have one spare i can give to you.
i used to use the tape from shimano which they mention to prevent line slippage, but i recently stop using it, and coincidently all the corrosion occur on the spool without that tape, i just wondering if that tape is actually a rust proofing tape like the owner rust stop that shimano secretly given and claim as anti line slippage tape

i was thinking why its so flashy for a tape just to prevent line slippage. i guess you dont even really need it actually, just tie a uni knot on it and twist it twice, it wont slip.