Bugatti Reef Lagoon Explorer 23 Aug 2011:
Damon:- Had another great day today, despite the 25kn of wind. We ended up with 14 GTs released, and fished some amazing areas. We would have had no less than 35 GT strikes today, and the conversion ratio was way down. The most newsworthy part of the day was how we found a new way to lose a fish.
Brendan had his 200 gamma in action, and a mackerel got airborne on it, then when the lure landed, he started furiously winding the lure away from another mackerel, and then a huge GT mowed down the lure and nailed it, hooked up and then popped the leader. The gamma then floated back up after the GT spat it out. The mackerel nicked the leader on the first strike, and then the GT busted the lure off when it hooked up....very unlucky, but very entertaining for all onboard.
Glanville:- What an awesome day, we had a plan today to go and fish an area where I haven't been before and it paid off, we saw heaps of fish today and started the day off with a triple hook up, 3 fish to the boat, and followed that with a double hook up and both of them to the boat, can't ask for much more than that, we carried on with the day plan and continuously saw fish we were very unfortunate today to lose a lot of fish but we ended the day of with 13 GTs in the boat and a few other odds and ends, the guys had an awesome day and in amongst the action we raised a fish that was an absolute horse today that was a scary specimen, but he is still there for tomorrow so watch out....
Clint: Things started of with a bang this morning as the first bombie we hit a GT was hooked. After that we saw plenty more fish but they were not really committed into eating the lures. Things got better as first thing after lunch we hooked another fish and almost had a double hookup. We then proceded to do some light tackle and got a nice trout, tuna and gold spot. We finished off the day with some more GT fishing with many more fish being seen but no love. Thems are the breaks.
John Dory:- This morning I had Kasey, Kerwin and Brandon aboard and with a plan to fish some new ground we were all excited about the day ahead, things started off well with Kerwin landing a nice 24kg GT, next spot we had Kasey get his popper chopped off by a Spanish mack only to see a huge GT swirl around the floating popper and eat it never to be seen again, Kasey was very upset

The day's fishing was fairly steady for a couple of hours before we had some Mackeral mayham and GTs eating the lures after Macks had thrown them around it was dangerous to wind a lure in all the way as Mackerel were flying through the air, all in all a solid day's fishing with a few more GTs in the afternoon to round out a nice day's fishing despite the weather not playing nice