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Bugatti Reef Lagoon Explorer 21 Aug 2011
August 25, 2011, 08:16:35 PM
Clint: Well all I can say is what a tough day. We fished so hard hitting dozens of blue holes that looked so good. It was not until 2pm we got our first bite. Brandon hooked a nice fish and there was excitement on the boat but half way through the fight the hooks pulled. We then saw two more fish in blue holes that barely hit the lures. I moved to another reef and saw a nice spot with birds working and on the first cast a GT came out of the water and smashed a light tackle lure. It was a pretty cool fight as the fish ran up onto the shallows. While the fish was being fought we got a pretty amazing sight of about 25 GTs cruising across the flats but typical of the day we had could not even get a bite after throwing our poppers at them. Forunately we landed the one GT on light tackle in the shallows which was pretty cool. Oh yeah we got one coral trout too so it was not a bad day after all. HA!!

John Dory:- Tough day today the winds picked up this morning which made fishing a little difficult, Brendon, Peter and Dominique fished some pressure edges this morning and raised a couple of fish but had no hookups, it seemed as though this had set the tone for the day as for most of it we very steadily raised some fish and had a few hookups but the hooks just wouldn't stay in. Brendon hooked a nice fish in a blue hole this arve that never really even new it was pinned and swam straight at the boat before falling off, even the 10kg plus longtail tuna that ate Dom's stickbait fell off after a short battle!! Gee Wizz it was a tough one 

Damon:- What a difference a day makes. Had a cracker of a day yesterday, and
today the ocean around our boat resembled a desert in the morning, one
red bass in the boat straight up, and then very quiet for hours. However we learned a lot today about where to fish on neap tides, and it is amazing that after years out here, we're still learning. What we learned in the morning, we put into practice in the afternoon, and turned our day around with 3 quick GTs to finish the day in the last hour. The best fish was around 25kgs, which put on a huge fight in the shallows, and nearly busted us on a bommie. The funniest part of the day happened when Cai released the fish during a photo, and overbalanced and followed the fish straight over the side, had us all in stitches laughting for quite some time. So we had some good laughs, a very enjoyable day, and even ended the day with a few fish.

Glanville:- Don't you just love it when a plan comes together, I went further north today and it paid off, we started our day off with a bang and in the first 15 mins of fishing had raised a 40kg fish and had 2 others in the boat with some amazing strikes in the blue holes. I then ventured out into the rough stuff to leave the dories with a bit of room to play in the blue holes, we managed to snag a few more fish out there then came time to venture into the shallows and as we arrived we sighted a shoal of about 30 GTs swimming on the flats but we unfortunately spooked them. We tried a few more blue holes on the edge of the channel where the current hits first and there was a fish in just about every one, as soon as you got too far away from where the current ran in the bites slowed, we ended off the day with a cracker session on one of the edges as the tide changed and then drifted into a blue hole for the last bit of carnage it's amazing how exciting it is catching GTs in only 3-4m of water and the takes are always so aggressive, we tallied up at the end of the day with 15 GTs, in the conditions that was an awesome effort from the guys. 

John Flores

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Re: Bugatti Reef Lagoon Explorer 21 Aug 2011
August 28, 2011, 09:15:06 AM
Hi Damon,

That's what i love about fishing, it's different every day and you learn something new on every trip.

Great report!!

Hope your doing well.

Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 09:17:26 AM by John Flores