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Bligh Reef Lagoon Explorer 2 Oct 2011
October 04, 2011, 08:53:50 AM
Bligh Reef Lagoon Explorer 2 Oct 2011:

John Dory:- Today we woke to absolutely millpond conditions with barely a ripple on the water. First up we trolled some lures looking for a big dogtooth but they were not in the mood so we decided to cast poppers at the acres of fusilier schools shoaled up but the sharks were relentless with any fish being hooked getting demolished in no time flat, no sticking toes in the water today boys!!! After moving to another reef the story was unfortunately the same until we managed to wrestle a nice 25kg Mackeral to the boat the guys dropped jigs straight down while releasing the macky and double bending on nice jobfish, as the tide was still pumping our eagerness for a big doggie forced us to troll the outside edge again when the little tiagra 30 started screaming like nothing I have ever experienced, after dropping the lever to sunset it was being emptied even quicker, after a short battle it made another run of 40 or 50m and found its home, big fish live here!!! A few more notable catches for the day were a couple of 20lb coral trout and a 30kg GT that had all 3 guys sharing the fight, what a day!!!

Clint: Today started off very well as the first lure hit the water a Spanish of 30kg destroyed the popper which we boated. We then moved to the jigs Phil and Jeff had a ball on the light gear catching various species from pink jobfish, bluefin trevally, trout and many more of the usual suspects this session went on for the most part of the run in tide the boys could not get enough of it. In the arvo we mixed it up with some GT popping raised many fish which is always promising, landing only three fish.The highlight of the day whilst jigging was to watch a pack of 20 GTs come up from the depths after the jigs, we had them right under the boat all keen to eat the lures which was an awesome sight. Two were hooked on the light gear of course though it was hard to stop them with both Jeff and Phil getting dusted. A fun day with a great variety of fish caught.

Glanville:- Another glass out this morning and we set out with big plans to slay the doggies, we had a couple hooked up first thing but were a little unfortunate not to get them to the boat after a little more persistence we decided to go drop some jigs but got thoroughly cleaned up by the sharks so we went to the reef edges to cast for GTs, every point was lined up with fusiliers and as the poppers landed the explosion began and we got stuck into a few nice fish before the sharks came and interrupted the party, they were that angry they were attacking the poppers at every chance they had, we snuck onto the shallows to get away from all the mayhem and quickly got the light rods bent up into some redbass and trout. We hit the GTs up for one last session in the arv and managed to get a few more to the boat all in all a very entertaining day, let's see what tomorrow brings.

Alex- Today the sharks came out to play, most fish were getting properly heckled and eaten which was not good for the temper. This got worse after jigging and losing bulk jigs but we managed to get a nice iron jaw jobfish of about 6kg to the top and a nice 12kg trout, everything else got nibbled. Even the GTs which are the shark's mates got smashed today it was not ideal so we pulled skirts and red dory was a game boat for the afternoon but unfortunately no unicorn fish. Anyway tomorrow's another day.

Graham Stevenson

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Re: Bligh Reef Lagoon Explorer 2 Oct 2011
October 04, 2011, 11:14:44 AM
Heading to Cairns from NZ tomorrow for charter starting Friday.
Reading these reports has made me pack another spool of 100 lb braid !