In the scissors
I forgot count of all the fish I got, from GT popping to Yellowfin on mooring, snappers on stickbaits and soft plastic, black GTs on spoons and soft plastics, Bigeye on spoons, groupers on stickbait, etc.
Most memorable fishing moments
The first GT, the boat had just finished mooring I picked up my JM 8'6" rod with the Stella 10000 and casted a couple times to a water color change on the direction of the Atoll and VAS fish on my first GT ever and on a stickbait and we had just arrived the boat had not even stopped.

Mr Bohar
All the GTs were a hell of an experience and my prime target but the late afternoon bigger one that trashed my stickbait when me and Andre went for an end of the day session on the dingy was something special that I will not forget so soon

With the two high points being first the discovery of a sunken dingy
And being "investigated" by a shark and not having any kind of defense weapon with me had to try spook it away with my camera flash

Bassas is surely a place to revisit, next time I would just change the tactics of GT popping inside the Atoll and try cover more area there and on the outside explore the up to 50/60 meters jigging areas in search for Dogtooth Tuna.
What I would surely not change is the bunch of guys that shared this experience and the Captain that took us there and back safely.