Glanville:- We set off this morning to try and a catch a doggie first up, that's exactly what we did 20mins into the day we had our first specimen in the boat, we set the lures out and tried once more and immediately the reel started screaming with a proper fish, we managed to drag it away from the reef and unfortunately the hooks pulled we tried for a little longer before we had to finish because we couldn't get a lure past the Spanish we had double hookups and mackerel launching out of the water continuously all decent size fish up to 25kg, you know you have been spoilt when you drive away from quality fish like that. The softplastic fishing session was really good after that and the first couple drops we had double hook ups and triples on solid trout between 5-10kg we also got 2 maori wrasse in the mix and a mixed bag of other criters including a few nice GTs on the light gear, we decided to set out for another doggie after hearing Alex was having a little action on the deeper didn't take long before the reel was once again screaming in true doggie fashion but this time the wire kinked and we lost yet another quality hound, we caught a couple of GTs on the poppers to round the day of...another exceptional day, we boated around 10 mackerel, at least 15 trout from 5-10kg, 5 GTs and a mixed bag of other fish.
John Dory:- Today the guys where really keen to throw some poppers for G bangers so we headed south to some bombies that had produced in the past, not to be disappointed our first pass resulted in seeing a pack attack hooking one GT and a nice 10kg trout, its amazing the amount of big trout we encounter in this area it seems like every day someone is catching another cracker fish which shows how much of a pristine environment we are fishing in, we fished our way south on the inside of the reef for the last of the run out tide before a venture to the outside edge and a jig was on the cards, we hooked some quality fish in the next couple of hours but the sharks kept having their way with us before the guys opted to stop feeding them and have a troll, the usual suspects of Mackeral and cuda were on the chew with not far to travel before reels were screaming, in the end we finished the day off with a popper session that raised some quality fish with one 30kg model the standout.