Personally I use stella 5000 for light fishing whit PE2/3 braid or similar (Power Pro or Tuff line 20 lb, Sun line Super PE 20/30 lbs) paired whit rods 7' or 7'6'' (Gloomis, ST Croix, CTS in 1-2 oz cw range). Usually for inshore casting for bluefish, learfish (qeen fish?), barracuda and bluewater casting for dorado, small tuna (if I find small BFT I change the spot immediatly, if I find big BFT I change set up immediatly

), barracuda on average weight of 3-5 kg.
For popping in 40-90 gr range I prefer bigger reel (stella 10000SW, Saltiga Z4500) spooled whit 50lbs/60lbs braid. Actually I use for this kind of fishing a CTS blank 7'6'' offset (specifications on label are: line 40lb, cw max 100gr), similar for power and casting weight to shimano light pleasure (may be a little bit haevy, I never played whit it).
Personally, I will never use stella 5000 paired whit this kind of rods, but is only my opinion