Hiya Scott
Before commenting, I think it is quite important to know:
1. Are you naturally right or left handed?
2. Do you use left hand or right hand wind?
I have observed a trait amongst Australians especially to set their gear up in what I would regard as a backwards configuration. If you are right handed, I feel strongly (and was always taught from a young age) that you should use your stronger right arm for the power-work when fishing (ie. pulling and lifting) and your left arm for winding. And vice-versa of course. Right hand wind for a right-handed person is a mistake IMHO. I might add that it is not only Australians I have observed doing this, but it seems to be very common there.
This will have a significant effect on the impact of the stresses you put onto each arm. There is no doubt in my mind that when popping especially, the hand you are using on the rod should be the one you use most commonly in everyday life. That hand and arm are more used to regular activity.
I have occasionally suffered from elbow stress. Bursitis (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bursitis) is the probably most likely elbow complaint when fishing and it can be quite sore and there is little you can do other than rest it (except if it is caused by infection - unlikely when fishing). Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow are different complaints but also possible when fishing.
If you routinely suffer from elbow pain then an athletic elbow support is a good idea. Wear this as a preventative - so from day 1 of a trip. Don't wait for the pain to occur. I have used the LP brand (
http://www.lp-support.com/) before as it is smaller than most, and made from nice quality neoprene. Please note though that many doctors will say that you should NOT wear a support of any type AFTER bursitis has occurred as compression can make it worse.
I hope that helps. I do think that setting up you gear in the way I explained will minimise elbow complaints (but not eliminate them). Use your stronger arm for the stressful work.
Finally, I should add that I am not a doctor but I come from a medical family and have taken lots of advice on this subject in the past!