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Mark Harris

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Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 27, 2011, 09:56:59 PM
Well it was supposed to be a Boxing Day treat from me and to me, but that was scuppered by yet another last minute call from my normal boat saying they had mechanical problems.  That's happened far too many times lately and not happy about it.

But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as a call to my old buddy Adhek had us fixed up to go out today instead on his boat, the excellently named GT1.

Upon arrival at the main Bali GT site at Batu Abah it was clear we could be in for a good day. The spin cycle was on full, possibly the wickedest water I have ever seen out there (and that is saying something).

The spin cycle was on maximum

Third cast of the day resulted in a big hit and a big line failure - the first time I have ever had that with Varivas GT Max PE8, it just pinged. Despite that disappointment, a lure bag minus one GT3 150 and lots of friendly banter from Adhek about setting my initial drag too high, it had to be a good sign.

And it sure was, as the next 6 hours of casting resulted in 7 beauties making it to the boat, and either 16 or 17 GT strikes in total (I lost count). Biggest was 27 kgs and the smallest 10. If I could have added a 40 kg+ fish to that mix then it would have gone down as a truly vintage Bali day. That fish was indeed hooked, then stripped about 120 metres of line before I managed to pull the hook only about 20 metres from the boat.

One notable event was catching consecutive fish with the first two casts with my new Super Popping 80M, out on its first trip in my hands. Indeed, the fourth cast resulted in a bust off as well.  I get the feeling I am going to like this rod :).   Thanks to Andy Rowe for being kind enough to sell it to me! Set up with a SW10000 loaded with PE6 and a 120 gram Venus, it is a perfectly balanced medium weight popping unit. 

Aside from the exciting fishing, it was great to catch up with Adhek in person after many months of not seeing him. The man is a pioneering legend of our sport, and I could talk fishing with him forever. From no more than 20 test casts, we had three strikes on his new prototype sinking stickbait - and when I say prototype I really mean it. A piece of beautifully shaped mahogany with a layer of clear coat on it - no paint in sight.  I suggest everyone watches out for this hitting the market  - it could be an instant star. Completely different shape to any other sinking stick I have used.

Star lures were Craftbait GT3 170, Adhek Venus 120, the afore-mentioned Adhek protoype and Carpenter Kattobi .  Did not cast a surface stick all day which was hardly surprising given the water conditions.

All in all in really enjoyable day's fishing. After some fairly terrible trips out there in recent months, it was so good to see the Batu Abah site back to producing good fish.

Hope you the enjoy the pics.

Cheers, Mark. 

(ps, I apologise for the dirty tea towel on my thighs. The crew thought my shorts were far too nice to be slimed).

Best fish of the day:

Note that prototype lure!

One cast with SP80M = one fish

Two casts with SP80M =  two fish

Monster Hunter 80H in action

Nice fish, 21/22 kgs

And a little 10 kg job to finish with

Rods: an all Carpenter day: MH80H, EP82/38, SP80M, BLC83/40.
Lures: Craftbait GT3 170 and 150, Adhek Venus, Adhek prototype sinker, Carpenter Kattobi, Heru Cubera 150, Heru Bobara 150.
Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 10:04:42 PM by Mark Harris

Garry Wong

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 27, 2011, 10:09:20 PM
nice one mark, i guess timing is such a crucial part in that spot.
i guess you should try batu sepatu, bolong next time, those abandoned spot has been producing some good fish lately, sadly its all the picture of dead GT, so i didnt bother to save it and send it to you 8)
the towel really makes ur photo look like wearing a traditional Balinese outfit,
"gosh, that bule fished with sarung" ;D

Mark Harris

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 27, 2011, 10:46:07 PM
Garry....Hah! It does look like a sarong!  Yep, that site is all about "right place, right time".  The water was unreal today, truly unreal.

As for fishing at Batu Sebatu and Batu Bolong, the mindless fish killers have already done enough damage.  No further comment on that tragedy.  The only bright spot is that many of the GTs there stay deep and you can only catch them jigging, and you have to know the spot.  I doubt whether those numb-heads have the intel.
Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 10:59:57 PM by Mark Harris

Peter Olesen

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 27, 2011, 11:05:21 PM
Congrats, Mark - some nice fish and I also really like the first photo!

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter." Mark Twain

Mark Harris

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 27, 2011, 11:20:17 PM
Yes, the first photo captures the essence of the site well I think. A number of our members have fished there and I would hope they agree.  I apologise for the quality of the fish pics, but I didn't take those!

Jamie Moir

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 27, 2011, 11:22:06 PM
Yeah great looking washing machine there, good to get some fish out of it too!

Craig Maree

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 28, 2011, 03:51:22 AM
Awesome fishing  I wish we had GTs like that on our doorstep the closest in Mozambique some 1000km away.

Although I too got xmas surprise landing a small 4kg GT here locally!

I love your arsenal of Carpenters.
Atoll Hunter GT Popping

David Noble

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 28, 2011, 08:38:11 AM
Hi Mark,

Well done, top fishing & great looking washing machine water. Yet another reason to go to Bali!
I'm fond of Adhek lures, great range and finish. Looking forward to seeing some new products..

Cheers David

Peter Morris

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 28, 2011, 03:43:34 PM
Well done Mark,

I wish xmas for me had been like that.

Love the first washing machine shot.


Warwick Joyce

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 28, 2011, 04:03:49 PM
Awesome Mark, wish the water looked like that here :(

Mark Harris

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 28, 2011, 04:09:55 PM
Cheers guys.... it was a lot of fun. One of those days where you thought every cast would get a reaction.

I wish the water looked like that here ALL the time! :). Looking at that first pic, the boat is at the very start of the drift that we cast from all day. The casting target was just the other side of the obvious pale blue water, about 70 metres away. The boat just worked its way leftwards on that pic for about 150-200 metres and then we came back and did the same thing over and over again.  If only it was that easy every time!

Andy Rowe

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 28, 2011, 08:28:03 PM
Great stuff Mark, a very productive day for you there and glad you got some instant action on the SP80M! it's good piece of gear all round. ;)
Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 10:07:02 PM by Andy Rowe
Set the ray to GeeT

Ben Furness

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 28, 2011, 08:44:09 PM
Great looking piece of water mate. I can't wait to get up there again and hit it hard.

Mark Harris

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 28, 2011, 11:01:13 PM
You would be very welcome any time Ben. Would be great to see you up here again.

Graham Scott

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Re: Some nice GTs for Christmas in Bali
December 30, 2011, 09:19:58 AM
Nice work Mark,sounds like a perfect day.