actually landing a fish for myself ranks fairly low but it's always nice to land 1.
I clearly need to do some more thinking about this topic.
I reckon you definitely need to do some more thinking Warwick!!!

I have no idea how I would classify my GT obsession to be honest... I think the tackle and preparation certainly is an enormous part of it, and I'd be kidding myself if I said differently... like most of you, I'm pretty tackle obsessed...
The best thing for me about the prepartion, is that unlike a trip, it lasts as long as you want it to.... and its always good.... so it makes up a huge part of what I enjoy.... but I guess one could spend just as much time preparing for a trout trip, or tuna trip... but I don't, I do it for GT's, or the chance at GT's....
SOmething about the act of chasing the Pitbull of the ocean, and for me probably the most beautiful creature that swims, is what does it for me...
I wish I had a video of South African guide Guy Fergusonb, who has been guiding in Mozambique for years, and has fished pretty much every corner of the planet, twice, describing a GT hitting a surface lure.... Guy is a big, larger than life, but pretty chilled guy... but he transforms when describing a GT hit... his whole body conveys the action and the excitement.... its an amazing thing to watch this big chilled guy suddenly come alive and transform, his eyes bulging, limbs contorting... its incredible.... and thats what it is for me and GT's..... my first true GT experience was flycasting to them on the flats of the Seychelles.... watching packs of these beast swarming through water so shallow it doesn't cover their backs, mauling the bonefish I was trying to catch, almost to my feet, and watching their eyes and pec fins come out the water as they annihilate 6lb bonefish is tough to forget, or even begin to start thinking about any other fish in the same way....
No percentage breakdown for me, just plain 100% obsession for the whole package and all it entails....
The cherry on top being the places GT fishing takes you... I don't think any of us would ever say they have fished for GT's in a place that wasn't visually incredible.... and the friends you meet, and get to share these adventures and obsessions with, make it all the sweeter....
Plus my chick thinks its rad that I fish for GT's....

She's never caught one, but she is becoming obsessed with catching one now after 2 years with me.... She reckons GT Fisherman rock... none of that sissy Tuna shit!!!