I have decided that I want to go hard for a decent sized land-based GT this coming Season (October to May) and would love some advice from the Hawaiian guys or any other experienced land-based GT hunters!
As background........ I am very lucky in that there is an excellent ledge, just about the only suitable one on the little island group where I live, which is only 10 minutes walk from my door. I have fished this ledge a lot already but always using PE2-3 gear targeting smaller trevallies, jobfish and other reefies, plus the odd passing small pelagic. This is GT ground though and several decent sized (30-40 kg) fish have been caught from boats casting over the same reef as is targeted from the ledge.
I will not be buying any new gear but will utilise my existing Endless Passion 88/35 and pair up with PE8 and sometimes PE6 for some extra distance.
My key concern is landing the fish and that is why I have steered away from targeting large GTs at this site until now. The ledge is 3-4 metres above the water line and it has a significant overhang structure (typical limestone ledge - see picture). I am worried that there is no way I could single-handedly bring a large fish up either by hand or with a tele-gaff. Any advice on that please?

I also thought about using exclusively de-barbed singles and the possibility of de-hooking the fish while it is still in the water using a long telescopic gaff. Is this is a realistic thought or am I dreaming?
Fish care is paramount in all this of course.
Any advice would be very gratefully received.