A couple days ago my friend Vinh Nguyen and his girlfriend kindly flew me over from Big Island to Oahu for a couple days of fishing. First day we hit the standard GT grounds form the boat. The topwater and stickbait bite was pretty dead, but we managed to bring up one fish by dredging down deeeeep and dirty on the Pandora stick. With dead winds and hot sun, neither one of us wanted to spend much time dredging the deep, so we called it an early day and hit the bonefish flats in the afternoon. During the quick afternoon session, Vinh landed two bones, while i popped one off on the first run.
On the second day of fishing, we decided to skip the GT's and hit the flats all day instead. With another day of calm winds; conditions were prime for stalking some big Hawaiian bonefish! Actually they were almost too prime because water was as smooth as oil, and the fish were extra spooky. We chased a whole heap of tailing fish throughout the day, probably saw 200 fish, and spooked a whole bunch! Unfortunately i didnt have my flyrod which would have been a far better tool for the conditions, but we did manage to land 10 nice bones on small soft plastic jigs.
Thanks Vinh, still cant decide which fish is more fun; GT's or Bonefish?!?!

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