Another report from this morning,
My buddy and I did some shoreline popping at one of our regular spots and managed to land this 41" Hamma from the rocks! Awesome battle fish made a mistake and my buddy made him pay, the spot where we landed him you would think no way I can land anything from here. The waves were huge today and I had to time it right to land his fish for him, it was an awesome team effort! I managed to land a 16" GIANT

, depending on the camera angle! A first for us today was an 8' grey shark blow up on my buddies popper, most violent strike i have ever seen on a lure unbelievable!
Yup the 180lb story I got was from Mr. Tsao, The 190 pounder was in Hawaii fishing news we still have the mag. Wazzup Nate! never made it to Taiwan but the wife did LOL time to fish! It did kind of backfire though my kids are running all over me. Whatch out for this guy everyone Nate is taking Hawaii by storm, youre going to be seeing a lot of action from this guy.
Howzit Luke,
I recently visited Pat V. a few months ago and he mentioned you were in Hawaii and unfortunately no hookups for you, I keep buggin him to come fish with me and I think he's coming over in march. Can't wait to see the man in action he's been helping my friends and I alot with gear and tips. If you ever make it out here i'd be happy to take you out and try and put you on some fish just let me know, same deal, chip in for gas and lunch

. Would be awesome to get some tips from some out of towners. I'll be making regular trips down south to sydney towards the fall would be awesome if you could point out some tackle shops to visit when im in the area.
My buddy brians GT, tag and release