Well I am not sure if I will be fishing this location anytime soon... there are so many other places which are closer to home

I agree with the comment about fishing unlikely looking spots - almost all of our bigger fish have come from a spot so unlikely that we have only just started fishing it after 4 years of living here

My favourite spot would be a good one to discuss here because I know it very well, but I can't post it up here because that would give the game away

It fishes very differently on different tides but some of the places that the fish come from are real eye openers. There can be bait schools and current in one spot, but repeated casts into that area produce nothing. Move 30m away into a completely sterile looking section and whammo, there is a fish!
I am VERY keen to have some of the Oman/Bali/Maldives guides put up some opinions on these location strategies... I will post one soon with an outer reef channel and deep water... maybe that will get a bite from them