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Andrew Poulos

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Noosa poppering and spinning
March 08, 2007, 10:44:34 PM
We had a short break up in QLD a few weeks ago. Weather was crappy and no charters were going offshore. So I had to resort to shore based spinning. With my ultra light flick stick picked up several of these little guys. Jeez, on light line they go hard. Couldnt cast far enough to get to where the big bust ups where happening...Also got my small red/white riv2sea popper smashed by something and lost it. Cant find any of them down here either to replace it. Was fishing the spot with a local and he gave me heaps when I got nailed. So he cast his popper in the same spot and also lost his promptly to something that nailed him....Nothing big, but fun anyway.

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
March 08, 2007, 10:49:44 PM
Weather has been terrible in Queensland over the last few weeks, particularly offshore in the tropics.

The rat GTs do go hard on light line and can be fun when there are dozens of them 8)

Thanks for posting your report Andrew.



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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
March 08, 2007, 11:50:43 PM

i wish i was in QLD fishing. Guys think your self lucky i am at uni and it sucks in good old NSW.


Andrew Poulos

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
March 09, 2007, 08:59:31 AM

Unfortunately I live in Sydney too. Doesnt compare to QLD in some ways, but there are plenty of kingfish around at the moment.Its our version of the GT. The gear you get will be suitable for targeting kings on poppers too.

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
March 09, 2007, 12:16:49 PM
Don't worry mate, i from NSW too.

The lengths we travel for GTS :o :P


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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
March 09, 2007, 06:17:05 PM

WELL, i must say that makes me feel so much better, knowing that i am not the only one who loves these fish to an extent that could be and is called OBSESSIVE.
bad day today over all. if you read SP forum u will understand.
 but next time your going up that way come thru armidale and say G'day.
by the way how often do you guys go fishing for GTs. do know you pair have wound me onto this fishing so bad that all my time is going into extensive research. i bet my girl friend leaves me before the end of the month, which inturn will give me more time to research and fish heheheheheh.
cheers randy :P :o

Andrew Poulos

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
March 09, 2007, 07:33:29 PM
Give MO's a call and tell em its the wrong one. You paid up and since its unused you should be able to swap it. I would do my best to get that 15-24kg one instead.

PS you can order online from here to in future

they have been good to me , or bluewater.net.au
Last Edit: March 09, 2007, 07:35:12 PM by squidgie

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
March 10, 2007, 05:23:33 PM
Hey Andrew - can I ask where in Noosa you were spinning for these little guys? They look like they would have been a lot of fun on light tackle.
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Andrew Poulos

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
March 10, 2007, 07:36:23 PM
Hi Bernie..

I was spinning around woods bay and the rest mainly from munna point where the bridge is. Both sides of that. Basically I would go there , and you could see the trevs busting up so you would go to the side closest and try and get a good angle on them....picked up a 2kg tailor as well .

But the more it rained the harder it was to find them . I think they moved further towards the river mouth.

Peter Lowe

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
April 11, 2007, 08:55:13 PM
Yep Gentlemen, I certainly don,t miss Sydney. :'(

Moved to the mighty Morton Bay 3 years ago and now my back yard is full of     :o :o :o

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
April 11, 2007, 09:38:27 PM
Yep Gentlemen, I certainly don,t miss Sydney. :'(

Moved to the mighty Morton Bay 3 years ago and now my back yard is full of     :o :o :o

Great catch mate. Glad to have you contributing.

Would love to tee up a fish with you up that way sometime ;)

Peter Lowe

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
April 30, 2007, 09:43:44 PM
Sure Luke that would be great, my pleasure.

Sorry about the delay in the reply I seem to have lost this section.

 I recently sold my tinnie but will get something glass soonish and would love to take you out-I know a few good spots here but dont know many people keen to do the work required to get on the big ones or that have the gear to stop them even when they do fire.

I am sure we will keep in touch and make it happen, I am just in new house transition so keep me posted on your visits and I will see what I can do.

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
May 09, 2007, 07:20:26 PM
Sure Luke that would be great, my pleasure.

Sorry about the delay in the reply I seem to have lost this section.

 I recently sold my tinnie but will get something glass soonish and would love to take you out-I know a few good spots here but dont know many people keen to do the work required to get on the big ones or that have the gear to stop them even when they do fire.

I am sure we will keep in touch and make it happen, I am just in new house transition so keep me posted on your visits and I will see what I can do.

Sounds good mate - hook up sometime soon 8)

Jay Burgess

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Re: Noosa poppering and spinning
May 20, 2007, 08:34:40 PM
Don't worry mate, i from NSW too.

The lengths we travel for GTS :o :P

If you love them so much why you don't move somewhere where you can target them all the time. That's what I plan to do when I finish my apprenticeship...