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Christoffer Hansen

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Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 17, 2012, 06:54:06 PM
Hey guys,

I am after a heavier rod to fish along side my smith amj s54h/8000sw combo. I'm after something that can fish pe6 to the full n maybe pe8 if needed. Most of my fishing is in depths between 50-70m but there is often a lot of current so jigs up to 400g may be needed but mostly 250-350g. The smith fishes everything lighter. Will be pairing with a 20000sw, is this needed or should I jus get another 8000pg with aftermarket spool?
Thanks for your suggestions.
Cheers chris

Mark Harris

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 17, 2012, 07:35:19 PM
What size Dogtooths are we talking about Christoffer? I am going to assume not real monster sizes as you are talking about using a 54H.  So this advice is based on that!  If 50 kg+ Doggies are on the menu then different story.

An obvious one would be a different AMJ..... 52EX. Over the years I have owned and used so many rods in this category, but I keep coming back to the AMJ 52EX.  It would suit those specs Christoffer. It is good with 400 gram jigs (and a touch heavier is OK if need be), and can handle as light as 200. Absolutely sweet is 300-350.  I usually fish mine with a SW20000 and PE5 or PE6. 8000 PG or 10000 PG with an aftermarket spool would be fine also.

In a different price range would be MC Works Southern Blue 556 MS. A slightly longer rod with a sensitive tip but so much grunt down low. Also an absolute pleasure to use. 400 grams is the stated maximum jig size and I agree with that. Even at 450 is does not feel right.  I have not used lighter than 250 gram jigs with this rod but I suspect you could go lighter. Again 300-350 would be the absolute sweet spot and I normally fish it with a SW20000 with PE5 or PE6.  The tip action on this rods definitely imparts a lot onto the jigs - could be important on a quiet day.

Those would be my two favourites in that medium-heavy category which seems to be the one you are looking at.

Neither would be my pick to stop a really big Doggie though, so a lot depends on what size fish you are targeting. I had one just last week (was fishing for AJs and did not expect it) which hit so fast and so hard it took me 10 seconds to get a significantly heavier jig rod (Synit Venom 550 FT) up off the gunnel. Sadly the ling pinged just when I thought I had it under control.
Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 07:36:57 PM by Mark Harris

Christoffer Hansen

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 02:35:59 PM
Hey mark,
Thanks for the advice I had a look at the sb556ms which certainly looks like the specs I'm after. I'll be fishin the reefs out from the whitsundays and the boats we fish in have the range to fish the same reefs nomad hits. Not sure what size the fish are but I'm guessing most will be in the sub 50s. Would any of the sevenseas oriental dogtooths suit my needs. I know there's one rated pe4-6 is this underrated or accurate of it's capabilities. I'd like to buy the best rod in the class straight up instead of upgrading later.
Cheers chris

Peter Childs

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 03:35:16 PM

My goto rod for doggies is my Saltiga 56XHFS.  I own a 54H and a 52EX in the AMJ range (and a few others) and love them both.

The benefit of the Saltiga is that it will happily work jigs down to 120 - 140 grams in size (despite being rated up to 500 grams) due to the softer tip and a two stage blank.  At the same time, I am happy to fish PE8 over the rod to the absolute limit - it is a beast!

I took this rod on a doggie trip to Vanuatu last month where it knocked over a range of doggies and sharks to 100 kg - in very quick time.  The 52 EX is a lighter rod (in weight), but I dont think has as wide a jig range as the Salty - Its not a great rod for jigs under 250 grams - which you often find yourself using for doggies. 

The Salty is a bit of a wide range, one rod does all (as much as one rod can) and can be rellied upon when the chips are really down.  I fish mine with a Saltiga 6500 Expedition and run PE8 and 10 over the rod.  I've 'anchored' a 32 foot boat with the outfit on more than one occassion - it really takes some breaking off!

Its comfortable to use with an 8000/10000 sw if thats your thing too!

Mark Harris

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 03:53:44 PM
Hey mark,
Thanks for the advice I had a look at the sb556ms which certainly looks like the specs I'm after. I'll be fishin the reefs out from the whitsundays and the boats we fish in have the range to fish the same reefs nomad hits. Not sure what size the fish are but I'm guessing most will be in the sub 50s. Would any of the sevenseas oriental dogtooths suit my needs. I know there's one rated pe4-6 is this underrated or accurate of it's capabilities. I'd like to buy the best rod in the class straight up instead of upgrading later.
Cheers chris

I can't really comment on any Sevenseas rod as I have never owned one.

If you are looking to go straight to the top of the class of jigging rods, then I guess I am not the only one who would put MC Works right at the very top.  The Southern Blue 556 MS is the right spec for you and I can speak personally for its all round excellence. Just be aware though that it is just a touch longer than you might expect. Not an issue for me, but it is something to be aware of.

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 06:06:09 PM
I'm the village idiot when it comes to jigging so maybe my comments come from my complete ignorance in the sport but to me, I feel like I am missing something here.

I mean, if I look at a combination of PE6 (or PE8 for that matter), 50-70m depth and let's not be too ambitious and say a 50kg doggie, that all equals recipe for tears in about five seconds? I have been dusted more times that I can count in the past using PE8 and even PE10 in water that depth where I was simply a spectator. The doggie did whatever it wanted to and I was simply there for the ride hoping the damn thing wouldn't cut me off.

I wasn't completely stupid though and worked out that if you found a really deep spot or ideally, something around a sea mount which dropped off really deep, you has more chance on a fish and could actually fish PE6. Unfortunately, the stupid things died and I stopped fishing for them as a matter of principle.

Personally, I don't really subscribe to the issue around stopping power in a rod when you're fishing for
doggies of any decent size. A 100kg doggie is an unbelievable beast and I want to emphasise that. They are an absolute monster of a creature and I am astounded that we can talk about just knocking them over in quick time. Trying to put the brakes excessively on a decent fish just makes them panic even more ensuring a harder fight (assuming you stay connected) and a dead fish. When you land a really big one, its 80% luck - and its dead.

I can't apologise for being so negative about dead fish because this forum promotes catch and release. Noone who goes fishing for doggies should be under any illusion that the majority of the fish they catch are going to swim away.

If it swims; I want to catch it!

Ben Rivers

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 06:12:50 PM
Don't they 'Catch & Release' Doggies on Nomad Charters all the time???

Mark Harris

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 06:59:24 PM
Brandon, I think I have said to you before I have given up deliberately fishing for Dogtooths for that very reason. 

There are big Doggies right on my doorstep (from my house I can almost see the spot which held the world record spearfished Doggie until recently) but I give them a wide berth these days as my experience is much like yours - they either dust you, or arrive at the boat in a near dead state.

I mentioned got smashed by one just last week but I was really fishing for Amberjacks and lesser stuff at the time, for the benefit of a visitor. Massive fish which took me down to the gunnel and it was a hell of a job getting the rod back.

Ben, I would imagine that most Doggies Nomad catch and release are not real monsters? I don't know that for sure but I think Brandon and I would not be only ones with the bad experience of big doggies fighting until they are near-dead.  With smaller fish and those caught on the surface, survival rates seem much higher.

Ben Rivers

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 07:15:47 PM
I'm not disputing your or Brandon's comments, but if Nomad do it, thought they might be doing something 'special', as they are also very PRO C&R

Jon Li

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 08:30:21 PM
Off topic , would this work for CnR on Doggy ?

Fish release weight - Barotrauma

Jon .
It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble , it's what you know for sure that ain't so . Mark Twain .

Mark Harris

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 08:54:19 PM
Jon, instinctively, I  think those gadgets are good for fish which obviously suffer barotrauma but come in quite easily.  Examples might be groupers, snappers etc.  With big Doggies though I think it is barotrauma plus they literally fight themselves to death.

That's just my instinctive reaction. I could be very wrong of course.
Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 08:57:40 PM by Mark Harris

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 08:59:42 PM
Mark, I think you're right. With doggies, I suspect that the lactic acid build-up is the ultimate killer
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Leo Sorbello

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 09:04:20 PM
Hi Guy's,

The Carpenter OH-55XH-S should do the job even if using the jig weights Christoffer has mentioned probably starting at the 350 g range.

Hopefully they'll come up alright to be released to swim for another day those power house beautiful beasts.

Hi Christoffer - For your consideration as the rod to acquire for your use. Feel free to view selling post for details.

Regards  :)


Brandon Khoo

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 09:30:53 PM
Uh Leo, Chris is looking for a PE6-8 rod for jigs from 250g to 400g.
The OH55XH-S is a PE8-10 rod for jigs up to 1kg. I really don't think this rod is ideal for what Chris is looking for!
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Mark Harris

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Re: Best rod for dogtooth in under 100m
April 18, 2012, 09:47:27 PM
With all due respect, an OH 55XH is the last rod Chriss needs!  An absolutely brutal rod designed for very heavy jigs and deep, deep water work.