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Sami Ghandour

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Hi All  :)

I'm seriously needing to decide in purchasing an overall Stick Bait Pencil/Swimmer and Popping rod, using PE6 with a Daiwa Saltiga 6000 spinning reel fishing out of my boat. Mainly want to use it for yellowfin tuna/albacore tuna using stick/pencil/swimmer baits and poppers with the odd times using it for Yellowtail Kingfish.

Lure weight will be from say 60 - grams - 130 grams. The rod would need to be an all rounder if their is such thing guy's ?.

Would really appreciate specific feedback and model details from members including the site sponsers focusing on models within the Smith's, Hot's or Carpenter range of rods please.

Fishing offshore out of Sydney, NSW Australia.

Thank You & Regards


Hi Leo,
Based on what you are looking for i suggest you 2 rods:
Carpenter BLC84/22R or the Hot's Tide Lez 711MH, Nick Bowles from Ocean Active landed a 50kg+ GT on the 711MH.
The Smith 80P/35 is a great rod but it is stiffer then the rest.
good luck on your choice :)

Leo Sorbello

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Hiya Sami and All,

I've settled for the Hots Gipang 83H rod. After doing some actual brief rod casting/testing with a few models and a bit more revaluation of possible future use I went for a heavy class rod.

It still threw 60 grams lure weights at my minimum distance expected and feel it can work stick baits and poppers in the 120 g - 160 g if need be for heavier work when required.

Thanks to all that provided suggestions/details, indeed appreciated.

Tight Lines !

Regards  :)
