Luke - Thanks for the comments mate, and I agree with you... Bonefish are in a league of their own when it comes to stamina.... I could fish for them all day.... my first session in Seychelles I counted my first 35 Bonefish, and then stopped counting.... probably took over 50 in that session... probably only made 5 casts that didn't result in hook ups... Mental... looking back it almost doesn't seem real, and I know if I hadn't been and experienced it myself, I would have trouble believing it reading this....
We have also located a flat much further south where 80lb+ GTs regularly chase baby turtles as they hatch and make theire first voyage on to the flats.
Something to add to this.... Seychelles has the highest concentration of sea turtles on the planet. ( someone told me this, I dunno if it is an exact fact, but I can say that I have NEVER seen so many turtles in my life... at any one time, you can look up and see one... if you go 2 minutes without seeing a turtle, thats alot... ) and I think this maybe is also part of the reason for their being such an enormous number of GT's right up close to the sandy beaches... I reckon a nice wide black stickbait would definetely do the trick there....

Go the polaroid filter! Don't think I could ever pick up another camera with one!
I hear you on the filter mate..... and I agree 100%!! But these pics had the filter added in "afterwards" in post.... boost the contrast, fiddle with t6he exposure..... call it the lazy mans polaroid filter!!!

But I now use a polaroid filter on all my shots!!
Good luck in NC.... no doubt you gonna get into some monster bus size fish, and hopefully connect, and stay connected with some of those big ocean roving Blue Back bones... Look forward to the report!
Here is a shot of a "baby" ocean bone... the only one of the ocean runners landed... on a 12 weight with 60lb tippet...

And what happens when you don't get them outta the way of the local Barracuda quick enough....