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Ian Young

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Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 14, 2012, 07:07:26 PM
I've never fished the Coral Sea but I dream of doing so one day. So today, when the new proposals for green zones (no take, no catch-and-release) in the region were unveiled, I read with great interest and concern. For the record, I am generally in favour of marine parks, no take zones and other protective measures. But I don't support a ban on the minimally disruptive practice of catch-and-release fishing. The map linked below (the green bits...formally known as Marine National Park Zone, IUCN 2 ) shows the area that will totally ban fishing of any kind.


Note that it specifically covers Marion Reef (the little green blob in the light blue Multiple Use zone). According to the guys at Nomad, the total ban also covers Kenn and Osprey Reefs.

Here's the important bit...there is a 60 day consultation period on this proposed zoning. If you wish to have this map changed, then click on the link below to find out how to have your say


Nomad have come up with their own thoughtfully worded letter here ... http://nomadsportfishing.com.au/wordpress/sustainable-recreational-fishing/

Best wishes
Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 10:01:35 PM by Ian Young

Stephen Callus

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 14, 2012, 08:15:08 PM
Nomad has my support
plan a trip to stay a live

Peter Morris

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 16, 2012, 12:58:37 PM
Done yesterday.

Very sad the way Australia is headed with Green extremist groups getting so much of what they want.

Just about all fishermen I know practice catch & release and embrace reduced bag limits etc.
It seems no matter how much we try and do, the extremists groups will never be happy untill Aussie waters are completely locked up.

The Government is simply so rediculous that at the same time they are trying to impose more marine parks they give the green light to Overseas super trawlers to come and net our waters......Go figure..????


Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 01:00:52 PM by Peter Morris

Mark Harris

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 16, 2012, 02:56:43 PM
There is certainly hypocrisy from the Australian government re that super tanker point.

Sometimes though, Anglers are own their worst enemies. No environmental groups will take CnR advocates seriously if we pick and choose when to apply our principles. Even with the most responsible of operators I hear stories of Dogtooth Sashimi on board for example. And this forum is full of pictures of dead fish fish other than GTs and it is never questioned.

I believe CnR should be exactly that regardless of species, and if it was, then as a sporting group anglers would stand a far better chance of being taken seriously on environmental issues.

Aaron Concord

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 20, 2012, 08:19:30 PM

I have no problem with operators who provide 'dogtooth sashimi' as part of a CnR ethos.
After all, most anglers got into fishing for food first, so if a part of the trip is to enjoy eating some of the species present that would be way to difficult for the average person to come in contact with, should that not then be considered OK?

The thing that pisses me off is that people are now starting to have to think as extremely as the political and animal rights activists are.
OK, so for CnR to be treated seriously, we may have to then forfeit our right to enjoy a feed at sea like most advanced travelling anglers do from time to time.
I guess if it means the difference of being totally blocked out by a Green Zone or to have CnR allowed under strict provisos, then that maybe what we have to do.

The other dummy spit from my direction is 2 fold:
The disunity of the rec angling public to get off their arse to provide a unified voice.
#2 is the Governments and the extreme activists who play on this disunity to get what they want.
For God's sake, what was a bloody ex musician doing at telling ME where I can fish when this all first came out?
Also, where is the S C I E N C E  to say why we must, for the betterment of mankind, lock up an area of the Coral Sea that is half the size of Queensland?  Oh, and don't be fooled that because there are blue zones at present that these will remain the same in years to come. Anyone who fought on the Great Barrier Reef, Great Sandy Straights or Moreton Bay Marine Parks (which I did, especially the Moreton Bay park) will see this as a game changer.........when a review comes, such as the GBR Marine Park, which then grew it's green zones from 3.4% to 34%!!!!!

Crikey, I'm rambling...........it just annoys me that I enjoy fishing, I enjoy eating fish, yet for me to look at the wild frontier areas that make up the bulk of an anglers dreams to visit and fish may have just been reduced in a fairly large way all around Australia. Look at the map. It's a surveyors nightmare........


Tony Yancic

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 20, 2012, 11:30:21 PM
this is crazy we cant let this crap go on anymore they impose these marine park with all this misinformed data about over fishing when Australia has the best managed fisheries in the world.. Then these cockroaches that are running this country Allow this overseas trawler to come and rape our oceans ... time we all banded together and get rid off these cockroaches..... enough is enough


Arnout Weber

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 21, 2012, 05:45:33 AM
They should bring those super trawler to the seabottem.
Including those green cockroaches.

Best regards,


Robin Loi

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 21, 2012, 10:15:37 AM
i'm with you guys, i have submitted my details via nomad..

Dan Colebrook

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 21, 2012, 01:34:24 PM
Man what a joke!!!!! Putting no fishing zones in around some amazing sport fishing locations only to allow super trawllers in to rape and distroy the fishery?? WTF!!  :(

Doug Terry

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 21, 2012, 07:15:32 PM
I agree with Dan. What is the point of having no fishing zones if you are going to allow commercial fishing.
Watched nothing to declar last night about the Indonesian longliners catching sharks and only keeping the fins and throwing the rest of the fish back.

Ian Young

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 22, 2012, 03:32:29 AM
I can't understand why the green movement and recreational fishing movements can't have similar goals in Australia. They do elsewhere, where rec fishers are widely regarded as good stewards of the environment. Here in Canada, for instance, top greenie David Suzuki is also a well-known and enthusiastic fly fisherman. But in Oz, for some reason, the greens and rec fishers have fallen on opposite sides of the broader political divide, and that's sad.

On a similar note: the Maldives is being praised for a plan to create the world's largest marine reserve, while continuing to allow recreational sports fishing, including the gamefishing, popping and jigging for which the region is famous. Even Pew has applauded. Why can't this model be applied to the Coral Sea?

Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 03:34:15 AM by Ian Young

Doug Terry

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 25, 2012, 08:28:17 PM

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 25, 2012, 08:47:57 PM
I can't understand why the green movement and recreational fishing movements can't have similar goals in Australia. They do elsewhere, where rec fishers are widely regarded as good stewards of the environment. Here in Canada, for instance, top greenie David Suzuki is also a well-known and enthusiastic fly fisherman. But in Oz, for some reason, the greens and rec fishers have fallen on opposite sides of the broader political divide, and that's sad.

On a similar note: the Maldives is being praised for a plan to create the world's largest marine reserve, while continuing to allow recreational sports fishing, including the gamefishing, popping and jigging for which the region is famous. Even Pew has applauded. Why can't this model be applied to the Coral Sea?


Serious question: do the Maldives have Oil stocks?

Whatever the answer is, in Australia, the Greens are heavily puppeteered by the PEW organisation. Their goal is neither black nor white, it's what's called a "fuzzy feeling", you know, like when you hug a stuffed animal like a child.

The greens movements here is the stereotypical trendy following, however, they are not to be underestimated. They will and currently ARE causing significant damage to our country, but it won't be too long before they will have little say and common sense will prevail. Until then, we must bide our time and work together for the greater, practical good - not the "fuzzy feeling".

As for the ban on the Coral Sea, I'm really not sure what will happen. Australian politics is at a current all-time lowEST.

Mark Harris

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Re: Coral Sea total bans on fishing
June 25, 2012, 09:28:13 PM
I know very little about the Australian situation, but it does seem that there is a huge rift between anglers and the environmental movement.

That's sad as it does not have to be that way as evidenced in other parts of the world where the two groups are more closely allied.