Most of the picsI've posted on hear ae from Cosmoledo and Farquhar Atolls in Seychelles with GT's taken on Fly by myself and a few others... the biggest on our trip pushed 40 kilos....
But Cosmo, and I'm sure Jonas will agree, is a different kettle of fish..... its Nirvana.... I did one of the first exploratory trips with Fly castaways, befoe the need for teaer rods.... 8 ANglers took over 200 GT's on fly in a week, all sight casted to on the flats..... Its nuts...
You guys must get Greg Burt to burn you a copy of the DVD's I sent him if you wanna see how nuts the place is....
GT's are super fun on the fly, but personally, once they have eaten the fly, its all over... the long fly rod is no where near as much fun to fight a fish on as a spinning stick... my opinion anyway... but its a blast watching a 25 kilo plus GT inhale your home tied fly 10ft off the rod tip in 1.5 ft of water!!!!