I finally got out for a play with this rod today. Loaded with a Smith Baby Runboh and powered by the Twinpower 5000SW I headed to the last place I was destroyed by a GT with this rod.
First a few casts with the heavy tackle and big poppers into bait stacked on the bar produced zip, not even a follow, from the most prime and proven spot this summer?
As we neared the end of the first drift along the ledge I cast the Runboh on the 73H along the ledge, it was a cracker cast as well i estimated in excess of 100m, the lure was in the water for maybe 3 sweeps when I was on solid!

It was that point I had thoughts of the last time I was here and lost the fish quick smart to the reef, but not this time! It was an epic battle with creative boat driving from Dan and me not giving the fish a chance to get his head down. At one point I started to palm the spool for a bit more drag, only to remove my hand as fast as I put it there as the spool was starting to get hot!
Throughout the fight the Lightcast 73H performed beautifully, especially under the heavy drag I had the Twinpower cranked to, with plenty of power in the butt I put the brakes on a solid fish.
I hadn't realized how solid it was till he was boat side

What a fish to blood the rod with!
Really I can't speak highly enough of the rods coming out of Kaiser Pro Shop, the development of rods is coming in leaps and bounds and a price tag to please any angler and his bank account.
The only thing I wish for now is that they fill the gap between this model and the Bali GT Special, something in the PE4-6 range.
Picture below, GT measured 112cm to the fork.
Rod- Custom Kaiser Lightcast 73H
Reel- Twinpower 5000SW
Line- 30lb Sunline Super PE
Lure- Smith Baby Runboh