Ok now getting onto the terminal tackle and all the small toyz that make my life a lot easier.

Hooks especially trebles are always a problem and I have tried every which way and never had a good solution. But I did like Dmitriis solution and treble box which i think I'll try when I can find the box. But I tend to hang onto hooks especially Decoys, GT Recorders etc for quite a while as they are hard to get. But I usually always take back up Owner ST76 mainly but some St66 for the lighter gear.

I use a basic small square plastic container to throw all my hooks in there that I'm going to use for the day. I put the plastic container in the boat box for the day. Then I have a toiletry bag that I store all the hooks in the packs or loose hooks as the sides are cushioned. Also the toiletry bag has 2 zips on either side that you can put in packs of split rings, jigging hooks etc.

I use a few different leaders depending on what we fishing for but I tend to take all of the leaders in my box. I use Momoi Hi Catch 300lbs for the heavy popping, Fisherman 220lbs for most popping and jigging if we are not in very shallow water, Double X 120lbs soft fluro for jigging, Double X 80lbs for medium tackle popping, small sticks etc and Fisherman 50lbs and Seaguar 30lbs Fluro for light tackle. All of these can fit in my mesh bag except for the Hi Catch so it is stored easily.

Split rings and swivels are always a headache and easy to loose, I use a Versus Split Ring box and works amazinlly well. I also use a small pill box to keep small split rings and swivles so they are easy to get to but also if I'm fishing light tackle I just need to take this small box instead of a Versus box. But I also carry spare split rings and swivels just in case a client or myself looses a heap. Again I keep this in my mesh bag.

Ok this is my favorite bag in the World. It is a mesh bag from Sansui and stores all my bits and pieces. These include in the picture: Leader, Split ring box, small split ring box, 2 x knives, PE Line pullers (best thing ever!), Bouz lighter 9second best thing ever!), Abel lube kit, knife sharpner, sun block, head lamp, 2 x gloves, Accurate all use pliers, PE scissors, pin for fishing belt, small split ring pliers, small screw driver with inter changable heads, Fisherman side cutters with crimp pliers, PR bobbin, Duo split ring pliers, reel strap, MC Works rod belt (can be used to seperate rods, strap a sore wrist and tie rods together), Leatherman and packet with reel oil, super glue and drag washers. All of that in one small washable bag!!

This is the Shout Jigger Bag that I use on the box. It is dry and stores most on my gear for the day.

I normally put my leaders in the bottom so i can get to them easily instead of the mesh bag

I also put the mesh bag with all my tools along with my plastic box of hooks.

I also put in a heap of lures or jigs II'm going to use for the day with my fishing belt plus there is a side pocket on the box which I use for keeping my jigging hooks and assist cord. If I need more spare then I take out the gloves and fishing belts and put these attached to the outside shoulder strap and then I can put a heap more lures or jigs and don;t have to take the Water Case of lures if we are short for space.