Awesome pics Jay & thanks for sharing. Nightmate about loosing your report dude but something about the triple hook up (2 x50's & 1 x40!) and GT feeding frenzy has to be mentioned! I have added some more pics of the past few weeks to this report instead of starting yet another thread about S.Oman

Couldn't agree more with Mark's comments about everyone expecting these fish now, some guests arrive and wonder why they dont have a 50kg in the boat with in a few hours. There are many destinations where you can go and have a high number of Geets around the 20-30kg mark each day .. Oman is not one of these places. If however you put the time in and the fish are playing game the reward is high as you have seen but dont come here under the illusion all we catch their monster

I have fished my Stella 10k/SOM 16k spool the last few weeks and landed 4 +/- the 50kg mark so far on this set up .. reel does not seem to have any issue fighting the fish but i do notice a difference in retrieve speed which knocks out my rhythm a little. A video here of a great day when 3 50+ landed on this set up and few more lost

Another note of worth is mentioning the Uni knot when using fisherman/varivas leader. I love these brands of leader as they are so soft/supple but we have lost 4 or 5 fish so far this season at the uni knot. Have a look at the loop that goes through your swivel when you tighten the knot heavily and you will notice that it is so soft it actually flattens out .. this is where it has broken on some large fish/locked drags which is why we now make sure all uni's are double looped through the swivel, not one lost when tied like this. Only take note if really fishing for monster fish because never had the problem with anything else .. the margin for error when hooking 50KG+ GTs is so high!
All the No Boundaries crew are getting stuck into Mo'vember and there are some dirty porno tash's going around the lodges .. think i am never going to win this one against Kenyan guide Yassir who is sporting a massive handle bar. Once again the challenge of us being permanent residents of S.Oman has raised its ugly head with a dental emergency for my wife Angela and we are now over 300km away from the lodges in Salalah getting her fixed. Happy for the sacrifice of convenience though as all our crew/guides fish these waters daily for the full season offering a real familiarity with the area.
Enjoy the pics n video .. loads more on