After the ridiculous conditions associated with Cyclone Narelle, the seas have the complete opposite in February to date - very flat. Those are very discouraging GT fishing conditions over here, but with the new moon likely to be turning the current on, I ventured out to Batu Abah again today.
It turned out to be not a bad decision

. Two double hook-ups, a PB for my great friend Roly, and a GT for me that was as big as any I have caught in all my years fishing this site.
Fourth cast of the day produced a double hook-up. We were both fishing chuggers and both fish hit hard. Roly's came off quickly but mine came all the way to the boat only for the ST66 5/0 to SNAP as the leader was lifted out of the water. A nice solid fish circa 25 kgs.
It did not take long for the first fish to arrive at the boat though as we both picked up nice solid examples within the next 20 minutes.
Then there was a real lull at the high tide slack water, but boy how it changed back again when the tide started to fall. A couple more good fish landed before I picked up a fish that turned out to be as big as any I have caught here. Absolute brute of a GT caught on a black ASWB 185 gram using Carpenter DJ83MH paired with an old Saltiga Dogfight. Took a huge amount of line and the fear of a spooling was very real. However, about 10-12 very painful minutes later, the fish was on board. The ASWB 185 is a monster of a lure and a great option for casting into a big wash with strong current as it sits tantalisingly just in the sub-surface.
The day finished of with another double strike and this time both fish got the boat. Roly's was a very fat fish and a PB for him.
Gear used:
Carpenter DJ83MH
Carpenter Coral Viper79/40
Carpenter Monster Hunter 80H
Ripple Fisher GT82
Various Stellas and an old Dogfight.
Successful lures: ASWB 185, Adhek Venus, Craftbait GT3 150, Bigfoot 170
A great day of fishing. Hope you enjoy the pics.
The first double strike:
Nice solid GT on a GT3150:
Snapped brand new ST66 5/0:
Roly's first fish on an Adhek Venus:
Another solid fish on a Bigfoot 170:
Absolute brute of fish - as big as any I have caught at this site:
Carpenter DJ83MH taking the load:
ASWB 185 - a big lure which is very effective in choppy water:
Roly's PB:
Double strike:
Double strike on board: