All good thanks and that's great to hear Charles

. Amazing how Sports Fishing publications ignore the best sports fish of all eh?
As Nathan says, that guide configuration is called an acid wrap (superb derivation of that term!

). The rationale is explained here: .
Inchi-ku is a form of (usually) light jigging using a skirted jig. Can be very, very effective on reef species like groupers, snappers, emperors etc but also with GTs. The key is working the jig very slowly. In those pics I know the rod and reel pictured well, and the line would have been PE3 maximum, more likely PE2, so it makes those GTs capture quite notable.
You can see the inchi-ku jig clearly in this pic:

Howzit Mark,
Just wanted to let you I was reading my new issue of Sport Fishing Magazine (April) here in the US and in the Traveling angler/Intelligence Report section they talk about Adhek Sport Fishing in Bali. They mentioned Lombok, Komodo, and Sumba and have a nice pic of an angler with a monster GT, very nice since I hardly see GT's pictured in here.
Also quick question I looked at your pics posted again and do my eyes deceive me? The photos of anglers with "Inchi-Ku" gear, it looks as if the guides spiral around the blank instead of lined up in a row like a normal rod? What does "Inchi-Ku" mean?