cow time

Max was using JM PE10 filled with 550 yards of Jerry Brown 80# hollow. The reel is single speed, but it is extremely strong and enormous cranking power for its size,

Max is extremely luck to land a cow with opened Owner hook.

squid are tickets for cow

Scott fighting 251 lb cow with 350g Black Hole Cape Cod Special/Avet Hoo-X rod filled with 80 lb FinS braid.
Even if Scott landed the cow, 350g Black Hole Cape Cod Special jigging rod is not designed for cow, but for 50 - 120 lb tuna.
Scott brought Black Hole Giant custom rods as well as Black Hole Cow Special rods for cow. Scott did a great job to land 251 lb cow in 30 -40 minutes using 35 plus lb drag.

ready to throw second reel.

Capt Jimmy fighting a big tuna using 6' prototype Black Hole Giant rod which landed several giant in 700 - 900 lb in P.E.I. After he landed the tuna, I asked whether there would be any modification. He said the rod is just fine as it is and he ordered 4 Black Hole Giant blanks for his boat.

Shin from Korea is very innovative. Even he never caught tuna before, he found a way to fight tuna.

When he hooked up the tuna, there were very few tuna were caught that day. He continuously sent out squid and reeled in slowly repeatedly.

jigging timeI tried to jig daytime in Mexico on long range boats for several times, but all results were negative. For some reason tuna down there hit jigs early in the morning, late in the evening and at night though small tuna take jigs daytime.
This 160 lbs yft took my 250g Super Sardine jigs at 2:00 am. I hooked up four yft in 110 - 160 lb range on the same jig and all were caught in the evening and at night.
(two were lost on the surface as 130 lb Yozuri Fluoro Carbon broke.)
Tuna hit long jigs, but they definitely prefer short jigs in 6- 8 inches. All tuna on jigs were caught on short jigs on this trip except one nice tuna on a medium length jig by Konishi san of Carpenter but unfortunately the main line got broken by scratching on the bottom of the boat when tuna ran under the boat.
All my tuna were caught while I was jigging slowly up and down in 120 - 150 ft down on this trip. Many jig fishermen crank very fast for tuna, but it is as effective to move your rod up and down leisurely.
I used 5' custom Black Hole Cape Cod Special 450g and JM PE10 filled with 80 lb Jerry Brown 80 lb hollow. This setup is good even cow.
160 lb yft on 250g Super Sardine jig

110 -120 lb tuna on the same 250g Super Sardine jig

Brian fighting a nice 110 - 120 lb tuna on 230g FCL Labo jig. He lost bigger 150 - 160 lb yft on a jig as the leader line got broken on the surface on the trip.
He used 400g JM Power Spell rod/Stella 20000.