By these specs it is a PE8 rod with 12kg max drad

? Ja Kama KAMAJA

???IKP83MP, IKP86HP? Low / medium GURAFAITOKONPOJITTO elastic (IKP83MP, IKP86HP)
Fuji SIC?

Fuji SIC stainless steel frames Guide


?? 30kg class super GT challenge for the "original Kama Ja".

?? DATE performance is not brilliant.
Length:8'3" 1pc (Handle Offset) Length: 8'3 "1pc (Handle Offset)
Cast Weight:MAX168g Cast Weight: MAX168g
Nylon Line:MAX30lb Nylon Line: MAX30lb
PE Line:MAX#8 Drag:MAX12kg PE Line: Drag MAX # 8: MAX12kg
Rod Weight:460g Rod Weight: 460g

?\47,000? \ 49,350 (price itself \ 47,000)

Low / graphite composite elastic in the reduction of fatigue, and the super-long cast performance beyond imagination to generate power. ???30kg???GT?

? Deep field of around 30 kg of GT MINOINGU suitable for culturing and bluefin tuna.
Length:8'3" 1pc (Handle Offset) Length: 8'3 "1pc (Handle Offset)
Cast Weight:MAX120g Cast Weight: MAX120g
Nylon Line:MAX30lb Nylon Line: MAX30lb
PE Line:MAX#8 Drag:MAX12kg PE Line: Drag MAX # 8: MAX12kg
Rod Weight:440g Rod Weight: 440g

?\48,000? \ 50,400 (price itself \ 48000)

? Low / graphite composite elastic medium.

It is slim, lightweight and RIFUTINGUPAWA amazing performance with a long cast.

Long a model for long-range point.
Length:8'6" 1pc (Handle Offset) Length: 8'6 "1pc (Handle Offset)
Cast Weight:MAX140g Cast Weight: MAX140g
Nylon Line:MAX30lb Nylon Line: MAX30lb
PE Line:MAX#8 Drag:MAX12kg PE Line: Drag MAX # 8: MAX12kg
Rod Weight:460g Rod Weight: 460g

?\54,000? \ 56,700 (price itself \ 54,000)