My current PB on GT is from the 1st picture, about dead centre in the picture 
Would be nice to go back there some day
Yeah, I know. In one month from today I will be popping that same reef.

1 Question though - Do you perhaps know how accurate the new Bluecharts App is in terms of coordinates to actual points ??
I am using an old version of the BlueCharts software on my PC and some of the wreck coordinates are very far off the actually coordinates which i have and use in my part of the world, but then some are spot on, so its all a little confusing to me 
About coordinates (waypoints), first thing you need to be sure is you use the same position format and chart datum between sources. There is a million ways to indicate a position, so there is room for confusion. It is like any other measurement - you need to be sure which units you are talking about.
The accuracy of a chart is a different story. The thing is the chart producers hardly ever do their own surveys, they merely buy raw data from whatever sources there may be, usually some local authority. You can count on the producers to do their homework, but the charts can never be more accurate than whatever data are available, and in some places those data are not so accurate and detailed. So until someone makes new surveys of that area, all charts are going to suck, basically. And in many areas of the world, they have other priorities than charting the sea.
Mark, I am not aware of any PC programme that can use different kinds of charts - normally such a solution is bound to one brand of chart products.
I was just thinking what a great Open Source project this would make. Along the lines for street-mapping.
Like I said, in some places the perfect data are just not available. About open source, it is definitely possible for a community to collect their own data and chart an area that way. But the thing is: Guys like us want to go where noone else goes.
Are there similar charts for the red sea?
Yes, coverage is pretty much global. I fished Southern Egypt and Northern Sudan on a recent trip, and charts did not seem bad at all.