Good afternoon folks,
After missing the bus for february trip...I was cursing myself...needed to help my inner soul with GTs only.
So after lots of hot and sour chitchats could able to send my wifey to my in-laws...thus paved the way for 4 days or rather hectic 4 days of intense andamans of course.
I had started assembling my gears from last year...some good buys and some silly buys too
Only area of my concern was my fitness...
Tackles used:
For Popping: Shimano Stella 18000HG Jap Model, Yamaga Blanks Atlas GT 76/8, Varivas GT SMP PE8-120 LB, YGK Mono leader 140LB, Owner split rings size 11H, ST-76 5/0 Hooks...lures ranged from Craftbait GT3, R2S Dumbbells, Roostas etc.
For Jigging: Shimano Saragosa 18000F, Shimano Jigwrex S526, Daiwa boat braided line PE6-80LB, YGK 100LB fluoro leader, jigs from 200 gms to 300 gms...
Enjoy the snaps

Chalking out the reefs...

First view of our boat

Rigging up...

First hit...!

Got the leader...


First GT of the trip...88cms

Back she went...

Strong pull...screaming drag despite 13 kg drag !

First !

Landed safely...

Not bad for a 3 days of fishing...

110 cms specimen.

Back she went to fight another day...come back when you reach 150 !