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Sam Beeby

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correct assist hook gape
April 19, 2008, 09:51:25 PM
Wondering what the rule is regarding the correct hook gape in relation to the jig width? I want to get it right to stop the assist jamming against the body of the jig. 

Also is a stiff heat shrunk assist chord more or less likely to jam compared to a supple freeswinging assist?

Does the distance down the body of the jig that you set the hook to vary depending on the species - what is the rule for kingies - or does it vary with jig type and how you fish it?

Ben Keller

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 20, 2008, 06:47:32 AM
Hi Sam,
I normally try to keep the hook gap wider than the jig, which is not always possible, and if you find it jamming, shorten up your assist cord, or go to a smaller hook which wont jam.

1/4 to a half way down the jig, but I never go more than 1/3 sometimes less than 1/4 depending on the jig.


Sam Beeby

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 20, 2008, 07:12:15 AM
So a hook gape equal to or smaller than the width of the jig is less likely to jam

Mark Stotesbury

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 23, 2008, 03:17:10 AM
Hi Sam
saw a good idea in a sportfishing mag were the guy uses a elastic band from the bottom of the jig to the assist hook eye ,tried it and it works great to stop tangles esp if using very long jigs and the assist cord is a bit on the long side .

Sam Beeby

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 23, 2008, 07:42:04 PM
so the assist will lay taught alongside the jig body will it

Ben Keller

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 24, 2008, 06:15:39 AM
Hi Sam,
No, a hook gape the same size as the jig will jam, I go to a bigger gape hook, but If I dont have anything wide enough, Ill go to a smaller hook.

Some guys like the rubber band, some dont. I dont really see the need for it, and I reckon the flailing assist adds to the attraction. I have fished side by side with guys who use the rubber band and havnt seen any difference in hookups, lost fish, or anything else.


Mark Stotesbury

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 25, 2008, 07:13:23 AM
Hi Sam
rig it so the hook sits proud of the jig.
cheers mark
ps article was in the "sportfishing magazine" begin 2007/ american magazine check their online back issues . 

Andre van Wyk

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 25, 2008, 06:41:53 PM
Mark - Howzit mate.... you been fishing lately? Heard good reports of BIG YFT and soem Giant Longies out there.... apparently one of the commercials put a 49 kilo Longie on the scales yesterday!!!! :o Spoke to derek on Orca and they whipped a stack of Longies on the spoon..and got a few 80 kilo class fish on bait...
Hows the boat? Ready yet? I think Grant's boat is a week or two away from being finished.... he's getting grumpy, he needs to go fishing! We need to get out there soon man!!!

Question - What length are you making up your assists? Need to make some more up before we head out there... I'm away this weekend till Wednesday, but if you fishing the Long weekend next week, and you need a ghillie and JM Belt, give me a call!! ;D ;D

Those poppers in yet?!?!? ;D

To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth...

Ash Neale

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 28, 2008, 03:06:35 PM
Sam, you can get assist guards that will stop any gape fowlage.
Shout do them here.

Sam Beeby

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 29, 2008, 09:25:35 AM
Are you talking about something that stiffens up the assist material, or something that acts a bit like those buffers on weedless hooks?

Ash Neale

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 29, 2008, 03:40:50 PM
Like a buffer as such.Its a sticky bit of stiff silver material that gets wraped around the hook shank to stop it from fowling.
Ash.http://www.shout-net.com/parts/assist-guard/assist-guard.htmlthis explains and shows you what they are.
Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 03:42:28 PM by Ash Neale

Sam Beeby

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 29, 2008, 05:11:03 PM
thanks for passing on the link. I wonder if a small cable tie zipped tight around the shank up near the eye, with the tag protruding out toward the point wouldn't do the trick??

Mark Stotesbury

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 30, 2008, 04:26:38 AM
got a 37kg longfin -20 longies -600kg.got 14 yellows upto 80kg .plenty of marks out there fish a bit shy though,boat done now the wind back ,this a "kak" move.saw grant on slip when we came in very glum when he saw the 29kg longie that i lifted ha ha ha.
cheers mark
ps new poppers and new jigs in - me happy   

Ash Neale

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 30, 2008, 02:40:24 PM
Cant see why not sam, use a mid sized one, enough to stop the fowling but no probs for a fish.
Good thinking.

Andre van Wyk

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Re: correct assist hook gape
April 30, 2008, 05:09:38 PM
got a 37kg longfin -20 longies -600kg.got 14 yellows upto 80kg .plenty of marks out there fish a bit shy though,boat done now the wind back ,this a "kak" move.saw grant on slip when we came in very glum when he saw the 29kg longie that i lifted ha ha ha.
cheers mark
ps new poppers and new jigs in - me happy   

Awesome man... I know Mister Spooner has been a grumpy bopy lately with too much work and too little fishing, much like myself.... Glad to hear the fish are back in range again... I'll call you this evening, need to have a look at your new toys and see about a trip out there with you.

To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth...