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Nick Bowles

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Last year in May when I was fishing in Tokara with Konishi-san, Sami, Fukui-san and the rest of the group we did a lot of discussing on tackle and tackle testing along with the differences in techniques between various circles of the popping fraternity and regions. At this stage Konishi-san asked if I would consider doing some field testing of Carpenter rods. Bit of a no brainer! Of course was my answer! This was a great honour and I was very happy to be asked. With our season coming to an end in May there was not a great rush to get the rods. Then coming closer to our season in October Konishi-san said the rods were ready and then in November when Fukui-san and Tanaka-san came to fish with us in Hallaniyat Islands Tanaka-san presented me the rods and they were real pieces of art! It is one thing to discuss tackle and testing but it is totally different to get 2 prototype rods in hand that you now have never been seen or used before! There was no information on the rods except to put them through their paces and give the feedback on the rods!!

The two prototype 7.9ft rods. I put on Stella 18000 one with PE10 and one PE8

This rod I nicknamed the Red Reaper

Bowshack Cup in the car on the way to Shuwaymiyah, for another good competition!

With not long to wait the day came way to quickly and we ran around making final plans and packing. I packed the prototype rods along with a lot of gammas and some big poppers to test on the rods. We met up at our place in Dubai and Jon dropped us off at the airport for the start of a great adventure and fishing.

We flew via Muscat and then onto Salalah where we stayed at the new Juweira Hotel. Fantastic place and really enjoyed some good hostitality. The following morning we headed to Shuwaymiyah and out to the island. It is always great taking out the long run from Shuwaymiyah to the islands on a calm day and the excitement building with the possibilities of the coming fishing days. We arrived at our lodge on the island and were greeted by our friendly staff, all the bags got carried through to our rooms and we quickly worked to set up our equipment. An awesome part of being on the island although we arrived at midday we could still get a session in the afternoon for GTs.

Arriving at Salalah Airport

Shack and myself leaving Juweira Hotel

No trip is complete to Southern Oman without seeing a few camels

Packing our gear onto the boat for the long run out to the islands! Shacks very excited by this stage!!

Arriving at our marina on the island

A quick bite to eat and setting up the fishing tackle on the terrace.

Our small shop on the island for the last minute items we forgot!! Amzing to think you have so much gear and still don;t have something you need!!

The fishing for the last few weeks had been tough with water temperature going up and down along with bad weather so we new we had our work cut out for us. Also most of the fish had been coming out very early or very late in the afternoon, so I had decided we would fish late into the night and see what happened. With all the gear packed and ready we headed out for an afternoon session.

Heading out for the afternoon session. Shacks is now fizzing over by this stage!

We fished a couple of places and did not have to much luck, I did manage to catch a bonnie on a gamma 160H, so at least we had a bit of sashimi and also we were on the board. It was a start. We fished around the islands and as the sun was going down we got to one of the reefs and there was good current pulling and a bit of bait in the area that was very nervous and being harassed. It was perfect with the sun going down, no wind, good friends and the chance to hook a monster on a new rod! Casting the first rod that I had chosen to use which I had nicknamed the Red Reaper as it had all red binding on the guides was proving to be really easy and loading the rod was not difficult and for a 7.9ft rod it got very good distance.


We did a couple of drifts with no luck and then Cameron who was captaining for us changed the drift a bit to run deeper along the drop off at the back of the current and on one of the casts I was working the black and silver gamma 160H trying to get as much movement and flash as possible, a big fish came up from directly under the lure with no warning, bang big hit and I managed to put in a good strike and the fish was on, a few more hits and the fish started to peel line under a heavy drag. We were shallow water with the boat so after some nifty boat manouvering Cameron got me into deeper water. This was the first time I had a chance to put the rod to the test and really tested the backbone and I was very impressed. The rod had a huge amount of power but was very easy on the body and you could easily hold the fish at the boat without feeling like your back was going to break or that you were going to be pulled out the boat. Really amazing what technology and design of rods in the last few years has managed to achieve. Sheer poetry!

Fish on!! Bending on the Red Reaper at sunset! Nothing better!

The fish gave a very good fight and I sat on the rod putting all my weight holding the fish and let the rod do the work. It was almost to easy, big fish, big current and we had the fish to the boat in a couple of minutes. When the fish came up I thought it was much smaller and all of a sudden a monster came out of the gloomy water. Very happy with the first GT for the trip and had the lead on the Bowshack Cup. We got a good few pictures and released a healthy fish to harass another fisherman. Shacks jaw was almost on the floor and he was now starting to get a bit nervous of catching one of the Hallaniyat Mosnters but within about 2 seconds he had his rod back into the water.

Big mama!

The Prototype rod did the trick, big fish and everything worked very well.

Team Bowshack Cup picture!

The sun had gone down by this stage and darkness was starting to creep in but we decided to stay and fish a while longer and see if fishing in the dark would work. I carried on with the same rig and lure and after another drift with sight fishing almost impossible I made out just in the gloom the hit from another good fish, I struck the fish a good few times and again could feel it was a big fish with huge head shakes, boom boom boom. Again I let the rod do the work and take all the pressure and a few minutes later another huge fish lay on the surface ready to be boated! Really amazing day and evening with great fish along with good friends. We took a few more pictures and released the big fish.

Fighting in the gloom!

Letting the rod do the work!

Another monster GT for the Red Reaper! Really big healthy fish.

After a another drift or two we headed back to the lodge and tried a few more places but without light it proved to be quite difficult working the lures and also safety concerns so we headed back to the lodge for a good meal and sleep.

Fishing in the dark, was good fun just waiting for the electric shock through the arms of a fish hitting the lure! Almost like Russian roulette!

The first impression of the prototype rod was excellent. I have been using slightly longer GTs rods in the 8ft range and so it took a bit of adjustment to use a bit of a shorter rod with my leader set up which is a short leader outside of the top guide, but once I tried a few different casts I got it right and found that you really had to load the rod to get the distance. But fighting wise is were the rod came into its own, really easy and the rod does all the work. For big fish this is definitely a good option. It is not as faster taper as the something like the Monster Hunter 79XH but it is a lot easier to control and use and fighting wise is very comfortable and I think most anglers will be able to handle the power.

But with a few more days to go there would be a lot more chance to test out the two rods with a few more good GTs! Day 2 to follow!

Trevor Skinner

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One handed? Now you're just showing off

Great rods.


Nick Bowles

  • Dogtooth Tuna
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Trev I was just trying to copy your picture! I let the rod do most of the work on these fish to see how much it could take, and it took everything plus interest!

Nick Bowles

  • Dogtooth Tuna
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Day 2

After a great evening talking fishing stories we got a good nights sleep and woke up early to have coffee and head out early morning with the moon light. It was full moon and the place was lite up like a Christmas tree. We headed out the marina before sunrise using the moon light which was so bright it actually through a shadow!

Leaving the marina

Moon light as bright as day light!

We fished a few spots but with no luck and we tried a few new spots but again luck was not on our side. Finally we found a big school of fusiliers and on the first drift Shacks had a good hit, but the fish missed the lure and disappeared, a big fish and Shacks was left hands shaking!! The GT bug had now truly bitten!

Shacks has caught a lot of fish and had caught GTs but nothing to big. But as the story goes when Shacks was younger and fishing in Mozambique off the shore with his Dad and some friends he handed his rod to a friend to hold while he went to help his Dad with a knot. But when he turned around his friend had hooked into a big fish which everyone thought was a shark, but the fish turned out to be about a 25kg GT, which is something that has always haunted Shacks and one of his fishing goals was to catch a GT bigger than 25kgs to put the demons to rest!! The fish that he missed was definitely bigger than 25kgs!!!!

We fished the fusiliers a bit longer and Shacks had a good hit behind the fusiliers and set the hook and the fight was on! The fish did not strip to much line but gave a reasonable fight. At the boat I looked over the side and saw the fish was a big bluefin trevally! Great fish! But not the 25kg+ GT! We got some pictures and released the fish.

Shacks bending into the bluefin on a Racepoint 250

Shacks at the wheel of the Blue Canoe!

Heading for our first GT spot.

We headed out late afternoon and headed for a few spots and worked our way around a few reefs. With the smaller boat it was great to get in really close to points and shallow reefs. Towards sunset I was using the same gear from the day before. I put in a cast into the current and a feisty fish came up after the lure like a greyhound chasing a rabbit!! Finally after a few tries bang the fish was tight!! Not a big fish but a GT is a GT no matter what the size. After a good little fight I had the fish at the boat. Shacks was on the wheel and taking pictures and I landed my own fish. I was over the moon with the fish and having so much fun off the small boat, almost like when I first started fishing for GTs many years ago!! We got a few pictures and released the fish.


Letting the Red Reaper take the heat!

Landing the fish

Very happy to have a GT onto the blue canoe

Smile says it all!

I think the fish is stuck in the reef......

By this time there was close to 100ms of line out and a very hard fight started, Shacks got back line only to loose it again and this went on for quite a while. Slowly Shacks started to win the battle and really put the rod to the test and he was putting everything he had into the fight. Finally the fish came close to the boat and was directly below the boat and was not giving up, Shacks would get a couple of turns onto the reel only to loose it again, I had the boat in full lock turning to try and give Shacks angle on the fish to lift the head but this was not working, I finally took the boat out of gear and said he was going to haver to do it the hard way and bend the rod and lift the fish!

Shacks putting the heat on the fish and the fish putting the hurt on Shacks!

Bending properly!!

Shacks lent into the rod and put all his remaining energy into the fight, finally out of the murky gloom I saw the fishes number plate and it was way bigger than 25kgs!!  Shacks worked the fish to the surface and I saw that the fish was only hooked by a thin piece of skin on the outside of the mouth, sudden panic and I grabbed the lip gaff and landed the fish as quick as possible! As I lifted the fish onto the boat, all hell broke loose! Shacks screaming me jumping up and down and all of this on the small boat which was bouncing around like a cork with all the commotion!

Shacks extremely happy with his fish!!

Only just hooked!

Awesome GT and end to a great trip!

Shacks still going bananas!

A really amazing fish, fight and experience. It is one of my best fish I have guided to be able to get a good friend a fish of a lifetime. It was not the biggest GT ever but meant a lot to both of us. We got a good few pictures and released the GT to swim away after giving us some great memories. Amazing what the last cast can produce!!

We packed our rods away and headed back to the marina. Shacks skippered and boat and all I could see was happiness and contentment written all over his face. We got back to the marina and were greeted by Sami and the Salty Water gang! Was good to see old friends and meet a few new ones! All the stories of the last few days were told and we all had a big dinner with lots of banter and jokes. We ended off the night helping all the guys get set up for the next few days.

One happy guy!

Dinner with Sami and the Saltywater Tackle Group

Another great day in Southern Oman! More days to follow!

Jon Viney

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Awesome report glad to see some really good fish coming out. well done to the guys and keep them coming.

Marc Inoue

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Dude I love your reports! Really entertaining reading!
Cant wait to come and fish S. Oman!

Nick Bowles

  • Dogtooth Tuna
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Hi Marc, Many thanks, Southern Oman is definitely a place to visit at least once not only for the fish but also the experience, great place, environment and people!


Nick Bowles

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Day 3

Was great to have the Saltywater Tackle groups on the island with us and catching up on all the news and banter. I always think a big part of fishing is socializing with like minded people and enjoying the company of people from all different walks of life and regions that you would ordinarily not have contact with. Early morning the Saltywater Tackle groups went out on the boats to start their trip and Sami will put up a report from the trips later next week when he is back in Dubai with all stories, fish and monsters. A really great report coming.

Big queen on light tackle

We moved closer to the marina as the pick up time was getting close and then Nabil one of our team called to say he was in the marina. So again Shacks put out his last cast and bang a big hit!! The fish took off and we could see it was a good sized fish and very strong on the light tackle. Shacks finally stopped the fish and worked the fish back to the boat. Then a big silver shine came up with black stripes and we could see he had a big Golden Trevally. Really great fish and great fighter. We landed Shacks first Golden and again was on his last cast of the trip! Some guys are just very lucky!! We got a good few pictures and released the fish!

Shacks bending on light gear

Shacks very happy with a big Golden! Nice way to finish the trip!

We got into the marina and met up with Nabil and unloaded Shacks gear. We said our fairwells to a great trip and I headed back out to the islands. But on the way I saw a few more bait shoals and could not resist another few casts and landed a nice bluefish and then got smoked by something way to big for the light tackle!! So with this I decided to head back out and join up with the rest of the guys and try for a few more GTs.

Thumbs up for a great trip!

Bluefish on plastic!

I arrived back at the island and lodge and the Saltywater Tackle guys had a good morning. We all had lunch and a bit of a relax with some of the guys having a bit of a sleep. Sami is always one to get some sleep when he can no matter where he sleeps!

Lunch time on the terrace.

Sami can sleep anywhere! The guys got a few winks sleep to build the energy before the arvie session.

For the afternoon session I had said to Sami we had such great fun on the small boat that if he was keen we could go out for an afternoon session and get a few GT off the small boat for a bit of practice for Socotra. We packed up onto the blue canoe and left the marina for an afternoon session. The conditions were great with calm seas, light breeze to keep us cool and a good bit of current.

We fished in front of the lodge and on the first drift I had a decent GT come up and hit the lure but did not stick. We tried another point and on the first cast we had a double strike and again the hooks did not stick. The fish were coming up and swirling on the lures but did not seem to try and take them! A bit frustrating but part of fishing trying to figure the fish out!

The sun started to dip towards the horizon and we were going a couple of long drifts talking a load of rubbish and enjoying the afternoons fishing. When Sami turned to me and was talking to me and a monster GT hit him right at the boat, the water and conditions were so calm that both of us got a hellva fright!! It was like an anvil dropped out of the sky next to the boat!!  But again no hook up!!

We were fishing close to one of the other boats and a few comments were flying back and forth but finally I put out a cast into the back currents and was working the gamma back to the boat and a good fish came up and hit the lure, I was going to make no mistakes with this one and set the hook several times and the fight was on! We were in deep water so I fought the fish from a dead boat and again put the rod to the test and it took everything that I could throw at it. The fish tried to dive under the boat several times and a bit of dancing around the deck was required but I managed to keep control and got another great Hallaniyat GT to the boat for a few pictures.

Bending on the Blue Canoe

Loving the fight! Rod doing all the work!

Another good Southern Oman GT falls to the Carpenter Prototype!

The end came to another awesome day in Southern Oman, good weather, fishing and company. We headed back to the marina as darkness was setting in for supper and a good nights sleep.

More Days to follow!
Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 03:50:32 PM by Nick Bowles

Charles Cintron

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Great read Nick, look forward to seeing what that rod will become after you are done testing it.

Nick Bowles

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Hi Charles, Both rods are amazing and fallen in love with them! Not sure how Konishi-san chooses the rods for production but it must be a very stringent set of criteria as all of them would be popular. But will put my feedback and recommendations through after our trip to Socotra next week and hopefully this will help to some extent.


Nick Bowles

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Day 4

It had been a great few days fishing and testing of the rods, but fishing had been slow due to water temp moving up and down on a daily basis so we had to work had for the fish. But challenging fishing makes catching the fish all that much sweeter!

I joined up with Sami and one of his groups on Seahawk 1 and we covered quite a lot of water looking for fish but fishing was slow and we did not have to much luck for the first few hours. We ended up fishing a very shallow reef and the depth finder showed 0.5ms under the boat and we were watching fish swim around it was almost like being in an aquarium the water was so clean. it was mesmerizing and sometimes on trips you get moments that just hold you spell bound, this was one of them! Big grouper, sweet lips, angels, banner fish etc etc you name it we could see them swimming around in the gullies. On the next drift we were in about 1m of water and I put a cast along a long ledge that dropped into about 2m of water and I wound the gamma 160H along the ledge as I thought if I worked it normally the fish would take the lure and straight into the reef.

Heading for our first fishing spot as the sun is coming up!

Enough rods to start a shop!

Sami and the big bad Ray!

Shallow water and perfect postcard GT water!

About 30ms from the boat a big black shape came up behind the lure from a crack in the reef, really amazing to see! I carried on winding and the fish was all over the lure like a rash and as I slowed the lure a bit the fish smashed the lure, bang fish on!! Great hooking the fish but now I was in about 1-1.5ms of water with a big fish attached to the line!!! This was going to be the best time to test the rod and what it had under the hood, I held and locked the spool and Saud starting backing the boat out of the shallows, the fish was going bananas and trying to dive for the reef and splashing on the surface! Everytime I tried to let the spool go to get some line back onto the reel the fish took line off the spool and dived for a rock! At one stage the fish pulled me to the front of the boat and went around the far side of a rock and I could see and feel that the line was touching the rock! A lot of shouting and commotion was going on at this stage and I loaded the rod full and pulled and walked back down the boat to get the fish away from the rock, only for another rock to come into view!

Hooked up in shallow water, check the rock ledge in the bottom left corner!

Holding the reel fully locked with the hand! The rod is taking all the strain!

Finally "deep" water 3ms and could start working the fish!

Part of our team at the lodge ready to pick up all out gear to take from the marina to the lodge.

Last day to follow tomorrow with the final test of the Grey Ghost!

Trevor Skinner

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Well done mate.

I know exactly where you hooked that fish, one of my favourites. The spot is absolutely spectacular but the stuff nightmares are made of if you connect to a big fish as you did. It's studded with ledges and bommies and no deep water for a long way all round.

Those prototypes are really proving their worth.


Andrew Susani

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Great stuff as usual Nick, the only thing better than catching a big GT is watching a newbie catch their first big GT.  The elation is something they never forget!
Focus on the pop

Nick Bowles

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Hi Trev, This is one of my favorite spots, not a huge number of fish but very harsh conditions and normally you get your ass kicked!! We were on the shallow side of the ledge and at stages we couldn't use the engines on the drift, all good fun! I don;t think I could put any more heat on the rod than that! Rod came out with flying colors, getting to the stage that it is going to be very hard to pick up any other rod!!

Hi Andrew, 100% as a guide it becomes almost the equivalent of if not more for someone to catch a good fish especially if it is a newbie! We tend to forget the feeling of achievement or sheer sense of joy that we first felt when we caught our first big GT with all the adrenalin of the hit and then the directness of the big head shakes and then the feeling that you have bitten off more than you can chew and not going to be able to land the monster and then finally landing the fish and all the pain evaporates and there is shear joy and a sense of achievement! Always great to see! Priceless!


Nick Bowles

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Final Day

As with all trip the final day arrived and it is always a sad time but also a happy time if the trip has been a successful trip as all your goals and expectations have been achieved. I always maintain for every trip you have to have goals and once these have been achieved then the trip is a success ie catch a 40kg GT, catch 10 GTs, Catch GTs on a Prototype rod etc? If you don;t have realistic or achievable goals then you always end up wanting more and more and then I feel you never enjoy a trip 100%.

But for me I had not quite achieved my goals for the trip as I had only really tested one of the prototype rods. I had enjoyed fishing so much with the Red Reaper that I had not used the Grey Ghost very much and so I thought on the last day I would just take the Grey Ghost out. I had been using Gammas all week and now wanted to test the Grey Ghost with poppers as I felt the action was slightly faster and would handle big poppers very well. I had just received a shipment of custom I-Cup Hammerhead poppers which are 220gr. So no use in messing around if you going to test a popper you might as well go for the biggest!!

We headed out early morning with our group and headed back to where I had got the fish the day before, as I felt if a rod was going to be tested properly you might as well go for the harshest conditions you can find. We arrived and did a few drifts without to much happening and then on a drift at the back of the shallow area I put a cast into water breaking over a rock, when the wave pulled back the rock was actually out in the open so the water was basically 0m -30cm deep! Very nerve racking casting a brand new USD100 lure into dangerous water! The cast was actually a bit off target and so I wound the line back quick not to get stuck on the rock and low and behold a big black shape came over the rock and chased the popper. As the lure came over a little ledge the fish smashed the lure and I hit it several times and the shallow water fight was on again! Reel locked, boat pulling out of shallow water and me holding the spool! The fish was going mad and I held the fish and the rod did all the work. I put in all my strength to hold the fish and also pulled as hard as possible to try and keep it out of the rocks and to get it under control. We got the fish into 3m water and I let the spool go and started working the fish back to the boat, a few big divers for the reef which I stopped and I had another great fish to the boat in minimal time. Now I had a problem! Both rods had now become my favorites! The rod handled just as well if not better than the day before. With a slightly faster action I could put a bit more hurt on the fish and the fish was also lifted off the bottom a bit easier!! Very very impressive rods! We got a few pictures of the fish and released the fish.

Lodge from the marina early morning

Heading out for the final days fishing

Hammerhead I-Cup Poppers

Putting on the hurt!

The rod has awesome power and still easy on the body.

Another great Hallaniyat GT.

By this time I was happy to have achieved all the goals I had set out for the trip and was enjoying the remaining few hours on the boat with the guys. We moved around a bit with not to many more fish. The sun was up high and the sea was nice and flat so a perfect day out. We arrived at one of our points and we were doing some long drifts, I was still trying with the I-Cup poppers and had changed to the new Red Ocean Active colour and was putting in some nice long cast with the wind working an outside drop off when the familiar black shape came up behind the lure and tried to hit the lure and missed, I carried on working the popper a bit faster and the fish turned and came half out the water and smashed the lure, I hit the fish a good few times and the fight was on. Not the biggest fish and the fish came to the boat quite easily, but then when the fish saw the boat it went totally mad and started diving and going under the boat, a very tough fish. Really put the rod to the test around the boat with a straight up and down fight. After a bit of patience the fish tired himself out and came to the boat. We landed the fish and got a good few pictures.


Rod taking the strain!

Feisty fish putting me and the rod through our paces.

Final GT of the trip a great fight and fish on the new Ocean Active I-Cup color.

GT and the Grey Goose!