Day 5
We had decided the night before that today we would only fish the morning session as the afternoon current had totally died off and was not worth fishing. So instead we had decided we would fish a hard morning session and then go hiking up one of the mountains to a freshwater pool and take a swim and find some Dragon Blood and Frankincense Trees. On our first exploratory trip one of the best experiences was going up into the mountains of Socotra and seeing all the amazing trees and terrain. I think it is always important on a trip to enjoy the country and scenery to some extent and not just push the fishing all the time. You never now when you will make it back to such an amazing place so always important for me to explore a bit and also to see some of the local people and how they live.
We woke up before day break and there was a lot of urgency this morning as it was only going to be a morning session and the boyz were keen to make it count. I was fishing with Evan for the day and we packed all of our gear on the boat and we were all off. The current was pushing nicely when we arrived and we started our first drift wide over a small pinnacle we had found. We set up the drift and as the sun started to break the horizon I had a big fish come up and inhale my I-Cup popper off the surface close to the boat. Awesome take in the early morning light and after a few good strikes I had the fish on and it took off for the bottom. We were in deep water so I managed to stop the fish and could feel some huge head shakes so knew it was a good fish. We let the boat drift with the current and I let the Grey Ghost do the work. One of my favourites with a monster GTs is always the head shakes, you can almost tell straight away if it is a really big fish and I new this was one of them! After a great fight I worked the fish up to the surface and I had my first fish of the day and it was a donkey! A lot of high 5s and shouting! I landed the fish and we measured the fish at 141cms estimated 54kgs. Fantastic start to the day. We got a few pictures and then released the big fish.

Grey Ghost bending in the early morning.

This rod is really amazing and around and under the boat I put my full weight into the rod and kept on taking any punishment I could throw!

Under the boat

Landing my fish

Big 141cm Socotran GT! Off a small boat in the middle of nowhere! You cannot get better! GT fishing at it best!
We did a few more drifts and not much happened and then Rich and Daubs on their boat hooked up a nice fish just along the reef and kept them busy for a long while and Rich landed another good sized fish. Next Evan had a huge fish smash his popper twice but unfortunately did not hook as the fish came directly towards us and a very hard hook up! On the next drift Evan hooked into a good sized Bohar Snapper. After the initial chaos of the morning the fishing died down and became very slow and we tried all over the reef and nothing much was happening. There were a few sailies around so the guys were trying to hook up the sails free casting.

Rich with a good sized GT

Evan in the action

Big Bohar
Evan and myself thought we would stay on the GT hunt and we continued to do drifts and talking up a storm. As the sun was high and the current was slacking I thought it would be the perfect time to try a Carpenter Pandora 155+30. Now this is one lure that I have caught some fish but never a really big fish, so it is always a lure that I tend to try when nothing much is happening thinking it gives me another option. Also the conditions were perfect, water about 30-40ms deep and crystal clear.
With the Pandora you can cast a mile and also you need to cast down current and drift onto the lure. It basically works as a cross between a jig and deep water stickbait. I put out a few initial casts and I had estimated the bottom and always a bit nerve racking to let an expensive lure sink towards the bottom while you count to what you think is a safe depth not to hook the bottom. I seemed to have got it right and I was working the lure back to the boat. Now one thing with the Pandora is that you cannot see the fish coming so you never now when the hit is coming which is very exciting. Almost like winning the Lotto it just happens!
I had put out a long cast and counted to 60 which meant the lure was around 60ft. I was working the lure back up to the boat on the Red Reaper as it has a softer action, when an electric shock hit me all through the rod and up and arms. I got a bit of a fright but realized I had just had a huge hit on the Pandora and I struck a few times and the fish took off like a jet fueled rocket!! I put the rod into the fighting belt and started palming the fish, we were in deep water but the fish was taking serious line. I had a mark on my line at about 70ms and this flew off the reel. The drag was locked and I was palming the reel on top of this, there must have been well over 20kgs of drag on the reel.

Very happy to have got the fish under control!
Finally I got the fish to stop and was sure that it was very close if not on the bottom. So I started to pump and work the fish as hard as I could to gain some line back and get the fish off the bottom. After gaining about 20ms I started to relax and backed off on the drag a bit. I then settled into a good fight and I think because the fish was hooked deep it already had its head down and was very difficult to stop. I could again feel the massive head shakes coming up the line and new I had a good fish. The fish came close to the boat and took one look at the ugly guys in the boat and took off again. Another long run and again I had to palm the fish and turn her back towards the boat. I worked her back up and under the boat she was very stubborn and kept on doing big circles which was difficult with the long stationary boat. But like a tuna I let her circle under the boat and when she circled out I regained line and finally we had a big fish next to the boat and I landed her. An awesome fish and my first really big fish on a Pandora. The fish measured 142cm and estimated the weight at 55kgs. A few good pictures and we released her to fight another day. Really great fish and I was very happy a plan coming together!

Putting max pressure on the rod, fish and myself!

Fish circling under the boat. This is when I have seen a lot of rods break and high sticking.

Monster fish!!

Always a great time once you have won the fight and the fish is on the surface.

Leadering my fish, DIY!

Putting in the lip gaff before landing the fish

Very happy with my first big fish on a Pandora!

Pouring or running water through the gills is one of the most important things when the fish is on the boat. Seen a few vids were fish are left with no water of the deck for ages, might as well put a bullet in the fish!

Big Socotra GT!! 142cm GT from a small boat with no help! Awesome!
We tried for the rest of the morning but we got no more hits and decided to head back to camp and have lunch, a sleep and then head for the mountains! After a relax and lunch we all got into our 2 cruisers and headed for the mountains. Sami and Raymond had decided to try fishing the small island on the far side of Socotra. Last trip we had some amazing GT action at the island and it was worth the effort to see if the GTs were there. The guys had packed up and were going to stay at the Hotel. So with everything packed we headed along the coast and were greeted by amazing sceneries or mountains, beach and seas.

All the gear packed and Raymond ready to continue the adventure!

Amazing scenery! Cruising along the dirts roads with mountains on one side and sea on the other!

A stop along the way, we saw some bluefin trevally chasing bait and Sami was out after them with a rod in about 2 seconds! The mans a fishing machine!
We finally arrived at the base of what looked like a very steep hike to me!! We had been told that it was only an hours hike up to the fresh water pool! Well I think that was an hour for an ultra marathon runner and not a chunky fisherman!! I filled up on water and we started off on our hike through some amazing terrain and vegetation. All strange trees and our guide little Sami and a small boy (with no shoes!!) explained a lot of the trees and there medical uses. Really interesting. We had to take a good few rests but it was a very enjoyable hike and really pushed me to the fitness limit. After catching 2 x 50kg GTs in the morning most probably made over 300 casts with 200gr lures and then hike up what I thought was a cliff! I was very proud of myself when I finally got to the top and saw the amazing scenery and freshwater pool. The place was breath taking and really worth the effort.

Rich with a bottle tree at the bottom of our hike!

Raymond looking how I felt!! Go big guy!!

Up up and more up!! Feeling buggered just looking at the pictures!

Amazing scenery!

Dragon Blood tree. These trees are apparently 100s if not 1000s of years old.

I think this is one of the reasons the tree is called a Dragon Blood tree, the sap is red. The tree is apparently used for ladies make up and to help with difficult child berths??

Very proud of myself, now how Sir Edmond Hilary felt getting to the top of Everest.............

Our guide, no shoes.........

Amazing scenery!
We enjoyed swimming in the freshwater pool overlooking the valley and sea. But our hike was not yet finished and our guide little Sami took us still higher up into the mountains to go and look at the Dragon Blood trees and a frankincense forest. We hiked even higher and came across small streams and small fenced off plots growing onions and vegetables. Really beautiful place with big mountains and all strange trees and rock formations. It was a whole other World up here and you could feel some type of mystical presence.

Swimming in the pool.

Amazing location for a natural swimming pool!

Sitting enjoying the moment!

Desert Rose

Frankincense trees on the plain at the top of the mountain!

Daubs and Rich enjoying the scenery

Drinking sweet tea with the locals.

Team picture
We finally made it to the top and we were welcomed by some of the locals with a fresh cup of sweet tea and we relaxed and enjoyed the open scenery and total seclusion from any form of modern life. After a couple of cups of tea and talking to the locals we had to head back down the mountain before it got dark. The hike down was a lot easier but a few hairy moment trying to get down with steep paths but all part of the experience. We got back to the cruisers absolutely drained after an amazing day on Socotra. Back at camp we ate and ended up straight in bed recouping for the next and last day!