We did a quick day trip along the coast from Yeppoon to Island Head Creek last week. Result was 1 25kg GT on the second cast, missed a few more Gt's at various spots, 2 queenfish about 10kg each, plus lots of other follows, strikes, jump-offs etc. Also missed a couple of big spanish mackerel. The legendary ledges of Island Head did have fish but they were very fussy (haven't forgot the Nomad boys yet??). We bumped into more fish on some of the isloated Islands.
To fill in time over lunch we picked up a heap of reef fish including 6 good trout and 15 or 20 sweetlip. The weather was a bit of a nuisance with a South easter hanging in at about 17knts making it a bit difficult to keep poppers in the water.
For those locals to Central Queensland there will be some footage on WIN TV this friday night at 6:25pm at the end of the news. Otherwise I'll try and round up some photos.
The aim was to see if it's possible to do day trips chasing GT's. The answer is....maybe. They were pretty slack during the middle of the day, and to fish the hot times of dawn and dusk turned the trip into 15 hrs on the water. An overnighter is a certainty.
The other question was whether an 11m cat could get close enough to put guys within range. The answer to that is a Yes, PROVIDED you know where you're going.
We have also recenty done a trip with Queensland Weekender including some general fishing along the coast. This will be shown on Saturday May 17 at 5:30pm on Channel 7. If you want a challenge between GT's in Shoalwater Bay try 25kg Cod in 4m of water. Should make good viewing seeing me getting pulled backwards. Deano also got blown away in about 2 seconds and the look on his face was great!