We received a nice shipment of Carpenter lures that included 120 Gamma, 140 Diablo, 250 Gamma Pandora 155, Pandora 155+30 and Kattobi. We also received new caps, shirts and a large range of the awesome Carpenter Split rings.
I have started to fish Pandoras a lot more over the last season and everything came together when I landed a 142cm estimated 54KG GT in Socotra on the Pandora. This lure is an amazing lure but does take time to get used to working it but for the quite days when nothing is happening and there is no current or the sea is flat it is a great way to fish deeper water up to 100ms and give yourself a good chance to land big GTs

Monster GT on a Pandora in Socotra in 35m of water.

250 Gamma Blue Gurukun

Kattobi 110-175 Flyfish

140 Diablo Dark Green Back

Pandora 155 and 155+30 Blue Gurukun

Pandora 155 Flyfish

Pandora 155 and 155+30 Black Back

Pandora 155 and 155+30 Blue Back

Pandora 155 and 155+30 Red Gurukun. This I think will be a very good lure for Southern Oman as the GTs feed a lot of reef fish like emperor, goat fish, sea bream etc that are all red colour.

Big Socotra GT on a Pandora.