Today was one of those days. For all the time on the water the quantity wasn't through the roof. But shit when you get quality fish who cares.
We started the morning at frankly to early, but the sun waits for no man. Jack and I smashed through some early morning slop and we were greeted with a southerly wind... A bit of a change from the last couple of weeks. I started sounding round and found some good bait stacked up and began casting some wood in the general direction. After a couple of drifts and a re-drift to another edge that looked a lot better I started to drop some micro jigs through the bait schools in the hope something would nail it, instead I hear a YEP!!! And Jack was onto a GT from the surface. A couple of minutes and a sore groin later we boated Jacks G going in at 28Kg, a very good start for the morning.

We then tried to get another one but I decided to make a move and try some jigging, this didn't eventuate. I really want to upgrade the standard Lowrance transducer, the 200/80hz isn't powerful enough for deep water and finding bait or fish is near impossible, plus it drops out consistently which is frustrating. After a couple of hours I got over it and went to find some Mahi Mahi. This was a bloody good idea, we rocked up to the marker and could see some Mahi free jumping, that was an awesome sight. We both belted out casts Jack with a plastic and me hesitantly with a Carpenter Gamma BC-Y 25. Jack got a little kingy straight away that followed the plastic out with its mates but this was the last real look he had for the rest of the time. The whole time we were there the Gamma was getting belted by dollies, they would come flying out of the dark water all lit up and smash the lure, sometimes clearing the air while doing so. After they would either keep up the same speed and head deep or go bananas on the surface, they would leap into the air and try to free themselves which was awesome to watch and a welcomed result if they did throw the hook as they are bastards to de-hook as they just don't sit still. One of the better ones that was landed went about 90cm and put up a good fight, doing a couple of leaps and heading down deep and slugging it out. They get pretty tough to lift when they do go deep because of the surface area and this was very different as the size classes jump, the little ones you can just skull drag into the boat. We did see a bigger bull hanging around but he wasn't very interested in the commotion on the surface.

The call was made to do the last run around. We went back for a quick pop and found some bait stacked up and after getting the drift right it was my turn to tussle with a GT for the day. It wasn't a large fish going 20kg but in the swell it was sure interesting fighting the fish but it didn't take to long until we had colour and our second G was landed for the day, what a way to top the day.

There has been an absolute plague of mutton birds, these things are seriously stupid. They attack your lures no matter what sizes and the both of us hooked a few of them today, Jack having to deal with a few more then me... Thankfully. At one point I was driving out to a jigging spot and I see a brow thing in the corner of my eye then a WHACK! on the side of the window. This stupid bird flew straight into the boat and then dizzy from the knock sat on the side of the boat. I had to toss it overboard once I regain my breathe from being in stitches from laughter. Just couldn't believe it, all the ocean and the stupid bird hits the only obstruction of kilometers and the bloody thing hits it, brains of a chocolate rabbit haha.
But overall it was a decent day, the swell was up a lot more then what I was expecting, the wind got up a little earlier then I thought it would but was more then manageable. The Gamma was a real highlight for me, I think I will grab a couple more of those which is going to hurt the bank balance but they are really good stickbits and are effective at a walk the dog retrieve, long pulls and short sharp pulls, very versatile.
Anyway, tight lines all