Hi All,
A few pictures from last weekend in the Dampier archipelago.
The wind has been horrendous of late and any extended trips have been just out the question.
We had a few hours last Saturday morning that gave us access to the western side of the islands and we tried to make the most of it.
Long story short fish we there but proving difficult to entice a strike. Pencils got them worked up for a while with a few decent fish coming up but we couldn't get the hooks to stick.
Finally an Aswb SS90 got some interest by the local cod then a decent fish hit the lure after a long cast over some shallow reef.
I had barely started the retrieve when the fish hit, never seen anything like it, a big 'boof' with a massive explosion got us very nervous but the fish played clean and rocketed off the reef into the deep water then slugging it out for ten minutes till it came boat side.
All in all a good outcome for a few hours on the water close to home.