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Brett Warren

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2 piece rod question
December 17, 2013, 08:54:25 AM
Hi guys
Have just purchased a smith 55 nirai and i feel that if i attempt to insert the join the last cm or so i may struggle to remove it later. The join is very flush, my question is am i putting the structural integrity of this rod at risk by not inserting the ferrule the whole way. Do you guys always insert right down to the end of the ferrule

Rod looks like it could handke just about anything by the way - sweet looking stick !


Mark Harris

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 17, 2013, 11:43:22 AM
It is rare that a ferrule fits all the way in. Quite normal is for say 1-2cm of the male ferrule to be exposed.

That being said, Smith seem to be notorious for making their joints too tight. And if the fit does not allow enough engagement of the male ferrule, then you are creating a weakness and potential breakage for sure.

Leo Sorbello

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 17, 2013, 12:58:46 PM
Hi Mark,

Just get yourself some Smith ferrule wax. It comes in like a lip gloss small tube. Smear say, two - four lightly applied streaks down the male part of rod.

You shouldn't have too much of a problem inserting and/or removing it unless you live and/or be fishing in a very hot tropical climate and yes Smiths are known for their furrule tightness.

Mate, hope you have plenty of wit bix before using that beast of a rod.

Tight Lines !.



Mark Harris

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 17, 2013, 01:26:55 PM
I use Ferrule Wax all the time Leo.  It does not really help if the ferrules are inherently too tight.

Brett Warren

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 17, 2013, 02:23:31 PM
Thanks for the replys

Wax ordered

Can get it to within a cm so i will go with that


Leo Sorbello

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 17, 2013, 06:44:18 PM
Good move Brett  :).

I've got smiths Mark and I too use it and don't really have issues.



Brandon Khoo

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 17, 2013, 11:27:41 PM
The only way to deal with a ferrule that is too tight is some very cautious sanding
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Peter Kim

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 18, 2013, 09:46:28 AM
Sanding it is always a very scary proposition.

Depending on the climate you live in or fish in you may have to keep the rod in an airconditioned room, or put some ice over the joint so that the materials contract before being able to get to the rod unstuck.

I've had this happen to me on a trip to Panama and thought I would have to leave the rod there.

Mark Harris

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 18, 2013, 11:42:17 AM
I think Brandon is correct. Just be extremely cautious with a fine grade of polishing paper and ensure that you rotate the ferrule constantly.  And you will inevitably need to sand far less than you imagined.  So tiny steps at a time with extreme caution.

On ferrule binding Peter is spot on. This is worst in very hot climates and I believe ferrule wax actually makes the problem worse not better in such climates. The wax seems to "melt" in high heat and then bind.  Serious ice-packing may be required to disengage the ferrules in such circumstances.  On a multi day trips I now make a point of loosening my rod ferrules each evening and not leaving them for the duration of the trip.  This really helps.

Much of this (certainly the scary sanding part!) could be avoided if rod makers made them fit correctly to start with.
Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 01:42:40 PM by Mark Harris

Peter Kim

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 19, 2013, 06:58:50 AM

 On a multi day trips I now make a point of loosening my rod ferrules each evening and not leaving them for the duration of the trip.  This really helps.

I never thought to do that, so simple but it makes the most sense. 

For rods with gimbals, you can get some leverage by putting the butt end into your belt with a gimbal and twisting.  Dont twist at the guides but use a piece of rubber or a rod wrap to get some grip on the top portion of the rod. 

Brett Warren

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Re: 2 piece rod question
December 19, 2013, 06:36:46 PM
On a side note I managed to free my smith popping rod after a year today. Tryed everything but what end up working was laying the rod across the length of my 700l freezer and then putting the lid down with a towel over the rod. After and hour or so i put a pair of latex gloves on and twisted - success :)