Catching a Sailfish on stick bait or popper has been a personal goal for a long time guiding for Ocean Active the last few years has given me the opportunity to help guests land close to 40 of these awesome fish on spinning gear but my own had always eluded me.
When our good client Farid Badri a very enthusiastic fisherman and master rod builder Asked me to be his guide and fishing partner for a 6 day trip to Southern Oman I jumped at the chance. We had our first run in with the sailfish on day one I dropped one after a five minute fight on a pink Gamma 160H while looking for GT?s and Farid briefly tangled with 2 as well.
Over the next couple of days a pattern began to emerge with the sailies appearing in the same area about 150m off one of our favorite GT reefs towards the end of a pushing tide. Armed with this knowledge we made sure where in the vicinity each day we would fish the reef for GT?s while keeping a beady eye on the horizon for tail fins and free jumping fish to chase down and cast lures to.
Things came together for us on the last two days when the weather was at its best. Bumpy conditions had hampered us the previous days as we couldn?t get to the fish we spotted fast enough as the boat wanted to spend more time in the air than in the ocean as we tried to race to the action. I managed to boat the first fish when I had a solid take about 15 foot from the boat on a Black and gold Siren Badmon 250 a solid bang to set the hooks and I suddenly had a sail going berserk tail walking and running me in laps around the boat as I backed off the drag in an attempt to get the fish a safe distance from the boat. After an entertaining fight I got the fish alongside the boat and handed my rod over to Farid so I could leader the fish and have a few photos taken before a quick release which saw the fish swim away strongly, one a high five and a victory dance later we were back in the game with Farid hooking up but unfortunately loosing another sail before we retired for the day.


Retrieving the Lure a Siren Badmon 250 rigged with a 3/0 st66 treble on the belly and a 4/0 Shout! Kudako single on the Tail
The following morning was our last chance at a fish; as we were due to depart the island at two that afternoon and with the mountain of tackle we both had to pack away we needed to be back early. Over breakfast and a coffee we had a strategy meeting it was the dying moments of the game and we need to get Farid on the board with a Sailfish. We double checked Farids setup of choice a Custom Race Point 200 with a Stella 10k and rigged with a 100lb leader and a small pink stick bait with inline VMC singles. I took my longest Rod a Carpenter Endless Passion 86/40 with a 14k Stella with a West Coast Popper rigged with an 8/0 treble on the belly for stability and a spinner blade on the back. The plan was for me use my lure as a teaser to bring the fish to the boat and Farid would then place his smaller lure in the firing line of an excited fish.
We had been on the water about 15 minutes before seeing our first saily jumping about 80m from the boat we duly rushed to the area and began casting out on my third cast I had a fish hit the popper after two pumps from standstill I shouted to Farid to get ready and began working the popper fast and hard toward the boat at when the lure was about 30 meters out we saw there where 5 sailfish trying to hammer the popper they were lit up like neon signs in their excitement, the fish fever promptly blew through the roof as Arabic, English and a few Afrikaans words of choice filled the air! Farid kept his cool though and placed a perfect cast with his lure in front and slightly off center of the rabid pack of fish, he barely managed single twitch when the biggest fish in the pack blasted ahead and demolished his lure in what must be the most furious attack I have ever witnessed by a sailfish. Farid set the hooks and I waited to see what the fishes reaction would be often they will sit in the water and shake their heads looking a bit confused and irate but this fished didn?t skip a beat it hit the lure and just kept going straight past us disappearing off into the distance behind the boat. For most of the fight the fish stayed deep and fought stubbornly so we had to be patient and use the boat to lure him to the surface where he finally put on a display to capture on film. They series of jumps tired her out and we got her to the boat soon after for photos with a triumphant Farid she was a big fish easily between 45 and 50 kilo?s and dwarfed my fish the from day before she was back in the water in less than two minutes and it took very little effort to revive her for release.

Farid getting bent on his Custom Race Point 200

Show Time!

Big propeller!
We called it a day and returned to base in a jubilant mood we had set out with a plan executed it perfectly and been rewarded with a fantastic fish to cap of an great trip filled with fishing, laughter, and some extraordinary moments in one of the most beautiful areas I?ve ever had the good fortune to fish.
Capt Cameron