We had Brad Arthur and the South African Crew join us in Southern Oman. Brad and Marius "I Stop Trucks" join us for 2 weeks and the guys caught some amazing fish. ??The weather was as calm as a milk pond with hardly any current but the guys put in the effort and caught some nice fish. Marius got a 140cm GT on a black Hammerhead I-Cup and Brad managed a 135cm GT on a Red Ocean Active I-Cup. The fishing for the GTs was tough but a big bonus being out on the island is that we could fish really early and late and was when we got all of the GTs. After sunrise and before sunset the conditions were to calm and no fish came up. ??The guys caught a huge range of fish on light tackle and jig with catching over 100 AJs in one session along with monster Goldens up to 15kgs, grouper, job fish, grunter etc. At one stage the AJs were so thick that a no. 15 spanner was used!??The guys were happy to try different things and Marius managed a 32kg Aj on PE1.5, Twin Power 5000 and a Trevela 6.6. Brad also managed a great 118cm GT on a Ocean Active Plug with a Sustain 5000 and PE1.5. Great fishing and catches!??Fantastic to have some of the friends from the Dark Continent. Look forward to the guys trip coming next season!

Arriving Salalah Airport

Arriving at our lodge on Hallaniyat ISland, love this place just has a feeling of adventure and mystery!

Some of the team on the island.

If only walls could talk!

Team picture

Boats ready to head out

The boyz heading out!
GT Time!

Jorrie worked very hard for his GT and it finally came!

Very happy with his first GT

Brad in action on his bus GT

Fish giving Brad the gears! The reverse fighting syle!

Big Southern Oman GT, came in at 135cm

Team picture with Brads GT

Kevin in the mix

Nice one Kev!!

Marius bending at Sunset on a beast that unfortunately dropped the hooks! The man can seriously stop a truck!

Brads big GT on very light tackle!

Marius with a MT (Mini Trevally)

A small GT on a Hammerhead Tobi 123

A decent fish on the Tobi 123

Very happy with a great session, got 4 GTs on the Tobi in about as many casts

Marius with his big 140cm GT caught at sunset

Hard earned GT
We had a lot of light tackle and jigging action, with several 5 ups on AJs! Amazing fishing!

Brad and Marius bending on light tackle jigging

Plenty of knitting

5 up on AJs

4 Up on Ajs

3 up on AJs

2 up on AJs

Marius's big AJ of about 30kgs on a Sustain 5000 and PE1.5 Awesome fishing.

Brad with a big Jobbie on jig

Big AJ

Spotted Grunter micro jigging on PE0.8 and 20gr jig

Kev with a nice grouper for the pot.

Kev with a nice AJ

Brad bending on a big Golden Trevally on light gear

Big Golden

Kev with a nice Sherri on light gear

Marius with a donkey Golden

Brad with another big Golden

Marius with a light tackle shallow water grouper!

Nice yellow dot on light gear.

Lots of fun on the Goldens.
Another great trip with the SA Guys and look forward to them coming back this next week. For more info on reports and products check out our FB