Hi Troy,
If you're choosing Denarau then I take it the missus is choosing this holiday for comfort, convenience and facilities.
So don't expect too much from the fishing, GT"s included.
Denarau / Nadi gets a lot of tourist & boat traffic and tend to do the same thing day in day out. Care factor isn't great.
Best charter I've heard from Denarau is Bobby Kumar
If you go to Denarau take a 6kg spin rod, small plastics and roosta poppers and get out on the kayaks or break walls dawn and dusk.? Small GT's, bluefin etc. There are also mangrove jack inshore. Not having fished there myself, I'd be finding a kayak and exploring.
There are so many nicer (and much much fishier) places to go in Fiji than Denarau such as...
Brandon just went to somewhere on the Kings Road, main island. Check the reports section.
Or look at Matava on Kadavu.
Mango Bay resort on the Coral Coast, about 3 hours from you.
Or Jim Siers who is closer, situated north, GT's.
The Manamuca & Yasawa chain of islands are a ferry ride out of Nadi, are very nice and all have boats, kayaks and fishing available, to some degree.
Worthwhile, even the basic ones charge more for the view. Avoid Amanuca, I'm still holding a grudge.
Look on Google maps, choose some closest to deeper water or the outer reef

If you have $'s, Jean Michel Cousteau Resort. drool....
Or Taveuni.
For landbased, contact Nagigia island resort, not sure if they are sold, still operating etc but research I did 10 years ago looked promising.
That's my shortlist, the others I'm keeping to test myself.
Cheers Dave
ps, June is cooler months so GT's a bit slow. Fiji gets good wahoo around then.