Betrand!! That video is just sick!! I know you are in GT shape but that is unreal.
I had the pleasure/honor to fish with both Bertrand and Ed (NB) a few months ago in Gambier, Tahiti.
Super pro Gt hunters and i tried to learn as much as possible.
That fishing trip I will never forget, not that the fishing was UP THERE, but because of the people.
Bertrand was a super funny and very easy guy to be around. ME LIKE

1 day we where out only the 2 of us and we had a blast on "light" tackle, I caugth a decent GT and Bertrand was so happy for me.
Almost more than me and that maked the experince even more special.
I have booked the April trip at No Boundaries with Temple Reef and i really hope all the guys from Gambier trip will be there, i am sure we will have a blast!!
Bertie you are an animal
Ed you are just unreal, 70 kg GT sick!!!!!